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11、-Do you think the bad weather will __________?

- I _________.

A. go on; don’t hope so      B. keep up; hope not

C. take up; think not        D. keep on; don’t think so


10、-Jack fell off a ladder yesterday, but he is all right.

- He is lucky. He _______ himself badly.

A. could wound        B. could have wounded

C. could hurt          D. could have hurt


9、________is well known, ______Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997 .

A. It;  that   B. It; which  C. As; /   D. As; as


8、- Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to 24th street ?


A. Sorry, but I’m a stranger myself    B. OK. It’s not far from here

C. Yes. Go ahead.           D. Well, you will get there.


7、He must ______ a shower, for I can hear the water ________.

A. have; run        B. be having; run

C. have; running      D. be having; running


6、We wrote a letter of thanks to _______ had helped us.

A. who   B. whom     C. whoever    D. whomever


5、- Our guests are arriving from Shanghai at 10: 30 .

- Really? I ______  it _______ 12:30 .

A. think; is         B. thought; was

C. have thought; will be  D. had thought; will be


4、- Shall we go swimming?

- OK. I’ll just go and get ________.

A. to change   B. to be changed     C. changed    D. changing


3、In China , ______ bicycle is ________popular means of transportation.

A. the; a   B. a;/   C. the; the    D. a; the


2、- ________I go there, too?

- No. You _______.

A. Must; can’t        B. Need; mustn’t

C. Can; needn’t        D. Must; don’t have to

