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1、Jasper is one of his three sons who ____in the army; the other two ______in the navy.

A. is; are   B. are; are   C. is; is   D. are; is


15、Soon the news ________ across the whole country, ______the people.

A. spread; exciting     B. spread; excited

C. was spread; excited    D. was spread; exciting


14、Finally came the news________everybody in the twon.

A. astonished  B. to astonish    C. that astonished   D. that was astonished


13、The farm is huge, lying between the valleys, and ____ an area of 15 square kilometers.

A. covered  B. being covered   C. covering  D. covers


12、Don’t forget _______- waiters; in England , people give ____to waiters and taxi drivers.

A. to tip; tips  B. to give tip; tip  C. tipping; tips  D. tipping; tip


11、There is nothing in the bag but an __________.

A. article of clothing     B. piece of clothing

C. clothes            D. dress


10、The trip cost us more than we ________.

A. had expected   B. expected   C. expect   D. have expected


9、Was it six years ago _______ we met for the first time?

A. which  B. When  C. since   D. that


8、It _______ six years since I saw you last.

A. was   B. have been    C, is     D. had been


7、I have ______ works of Shakespeare. I have spent $ 300、

A. completed  B. a complete   C. finished   D. a completed

