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11、This is a long hard winter, with everything _______, white.

A. covered     B. covered by   C. covering  D. covered with


10、He rushed out of the house, __________the door open.

A. leaving  B. left   C. having left   D. and leaving


9、__________, the woman drove off.

A. Filled with gas          B. Being filled with gas

C. Filling the car with gas      D. Having filled the car


8、A bomb sent the ship _______ to the bottom of the sea.

A. to sink   B. sunk  C. sinking   D. being sunk


7、Nowhere else _________ find such a beautiful scenery.

A. you can   B. can you  C. we can    D. we are able to


6、Hardly ______-out when it began raining.

A. had he stepped      B. did he step

C. he had stepped      D. stepped he


5、- Is Mary still at work?

- Yes, but she said she ______ a holiday next Saturday. She’ll pay a visit to Italy .

A. will go on  B. went on  C. took   D. went on for


4、The board that he _________ there two days before _____there.

A. laid; laid         B. had laid; lie

C. lay; lay          D. had laid; lay


3、I know ______type of machine is needed but I have no idea which type.

A. certain   B. two   C. some  D. an


2、We have a long summer season _______six months.

A. which last   B. lasting   C. lasts for  D. that last for

