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11、It will be a long time ___we see each other; take care and good-bye.

A. before  B. until  C. after  D. for


10、Never chase two rabbits _________.

A. at one time  B. one time  C. at a time  D. for a time


9、It is _______that the letter will ____you this afternoon.

A. most like; arrive     B. likely; reach

C. mostly like; get     D. best like; reach


8、___ waste water was put into the rivers, and lakes which were badly polluted.

A. At one time  B. At a time  C. One time  D. A time


7、She is in hospital now____treatment.

A. receives  B. being received  C. receiving  D. received


6、________to get rid of waste ___a big problem for the human beings today.

A. How ; is  B. What; is  C. What; are  D. How; are


5、The excited speaker was talking on, _________.

A. a crowd gathered      B. a crowd gathering

C. gathered a crowd      D. gathering


4、______, and listen to the teacher carefully.

A. Gathering          B. Gather

C. Gathered          D. Having gathered


3、The other day on the street he ___one of his friends whom he hadn’t seen for ages.

A. run into  B. run across   C. ran into   D. ran away


2、We might as well take a rest; we have ____trying paper.

A. run into  B. run out of  C. ran out   D. ran across

