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12、- Tomorrow is a holiday! Why are you doing your homework?

-I’m doing the exercise now so that I won’t have ________ on Sunday.

A. for   B. them    C. it   D. to


11、What did you do when _______?

A. he’s making a noise     B. he makes noise

C. he made noise        D. he made a noise


10、- Mr. Wilson is expected back at noon .

-Would you have him _____ then, please?

A. calling me        B. call me

C. to calling me       D. called me


9、Ted was so worn out that he just _______ down and slept for ten hours.

A. lied     B. laid    C. lay     D. had lain


8、- Why wasn’t Mary in class?

- She overslept and was ______ late that she missed the bus.

A. so   B. too    C. much   D. very


7、Sarabeth had spent _______ studying.

A. the whole day       B. all during the day

C. altogether a day      D. entirely a day


6、______ furniture do you have in your house?

A. How many   B. How much  C. What many   D. What much


5、_________, he would have signed his name in the corner.

A.If he painted that picture

B.If he paints that picture

C.If he had painted that picture

D.If he would have painted that picture


4、A beginner in learning electricity should not touch television__________.

A. for you would be shocked if you have done

B. for he would be shocked if he did

C. for he will be shocked if he did

D.for he would be shocked if he had done


3、It seems very difficult _________.

A. to stop the child to cry      B. restraining the child to cry

C. to keep the child from crying   D. holding the child’s crying

