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7、- Your mother is very strict with you.

-Yes, so _______ and so __________.

A. is she; is my father    B. she is; my father is

C. is she; my father is   D. she is; is my father


6、During the Gulf War the CCTV ________the latest news in Iraq .

A. broadcast   B. reported   C. announced   D. published


5、- You were______ to give us a hand.

-Sorry. I _______ delayed by the traffic.

A. hoped; was       B. hoping ; have been

C. supposed; was      D. supposing; have been


4、The doctor ought _______ you out of hospital so soon, otherwise, you would feel better.

A. not to have let    B. not to let

C. to have not let    D. not to let


3、-What would you like for afternoon tea?

-________ will do.

A. Everything  B. Something   C. Nothing   D. Anything


2、The scientist buried himself in his studies in the belief _____ they could serve the country with his knowledge.

A. when   B. that   C. where   D. which


1、- Why are you spraying water on the ground? Didn’t it rain last night?

- No, mum, but I wish it __________.

A. was raining  B. rained   C. had rained  D. would rain


15、I don’t know why ___________.

A. my sister Mary was laughing

B. did my sister Mary laugh

C. my sister Mary laughing


14、The students in the rooms were forbidden, unless they had special passes, _______after 11 o’clock p.m.

A. staying out   B. stay out   C. from staying out   D. to stay out


13、Collecting stamps is his hobby __________.

A. but listening to music also gives him pleasure

B. but he also enjoys music

C. but music is enjoyed by him too

D.and also music is enjoyed by him

