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37.A.looks        B.reason       C.value        D.advantages



Passage 1


Most people give little thought to the pens they write with,especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very 36 things are the written.All too often ,people buy a pen based only on 37 ,and wonderwhy they are not satisfied 38 they begin to use it.However ,buying a pen that you’ll enjoy is not 39  it you keep the following in mind.

First of all,a pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be 40 to use .The thinckness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征)41 comfort.Having a small hand and thick fingers ,you may be comfortable with a thin pen .If you have a 42 hand and thicker fingers you may 43 fatter pen.The length of a pen can 44 influence comfort. A pen that is too 45 can easily feel top-heavy and unstable.

Then,the writing point of the pen should 46 the ink to flow evenly(均匀地)while the pen remains in touch with the paper. 47 will make it possible for you to create a 48 line of writing. The point that does not block the 50 may leave drops of ink, 51 you pick the pen up and put it down again.

52 ,the pen should make a thick,dark line.Fine-line pens may 53 bad handwriting ,but fine,delicate lines do not command 54 next to printed fext,as, 55 ,a signature on a printed letter .A broader line, on the other hand ,give an impression of confidence and authority(权威)。

36.A.many        B.few         C.pleasant      D.important


29.Do you expect        to be any possibility that he will be elected chairman?

  A.it                   B.that                  C.one                   D.there

  答案  D


28.-When shall we meet again to discuss our vacation plan?

  -Anytime you feel like        .

  A.one                    B.so                    C.it                     D.that

  答案  C


27.In our city,more and more people want to buy expensive cars,but as to me,I would like          less than 100,000 yuan rather than over the amount.

  A.this                    B.it                     C.that                   D.one

  答案  D


26.-What an amazing film!It’s the most interesting film I’ve ever seen.

  -But I’m sure it won’t interest         .

  A.somebody              B.anybody               C.nobody               D.everybody

  答案  D


25.-Do you think       worthwhile to go all the way to Los Angles to buy that computer?

  -Well,I’m going to visit some relatives,too.

  A.it                      B./                     C.this                    D.that

  答案  A


24.-Bob isn't feeling very well.He has caught a cold.

  -Everybody seems to have        because of the sudden change of the weather.

  A.one                    B.it                     C.that                   D.another

  答案  A


23.-What do you think of the performance today?

  -Great!     But a musical genins could perform so successfully.

  A.All                     B.None                 C.Anybody              D.Everybody

  答案  B


22.No one knows exactly when our ancestors started talking,but new evidence suggests         might have happened a long time ago.

  A.which                  B.what                  C.it                     D.they

  答案  C

