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40.A.at a time          B.in time            C.in no time         D.on time


39.A employees          B.children           C.1eaders           D.managers


38.A.order              B.theory             C.example            D.tradition


37.A.seldom            B.frequently         C.hardly             D.never


36.A.governments        B.machines          C.branches          D.buildings


55. A. trained         B. refused            C. left                D. married

答案  36-40 DABCA  41-45 ACDBC  46-50 ABDCA  51-55 DBCAD

Passage 43


I work in a company in India..And it has  36  in Germany and the UK,so I  37  take business trips to these places.We have a(n)  38  at the office by which anybody coming back to India from a foreign country gets chocolates for all the  39  . Naturally the chocolates are finished  40  because everyone loves them and  41   to grab as many as possible.I had noticed that the housekeeping staff(勤杂人员)  42   in our company never got to  43  even a single chocolate.

   Recently,I came back to  44  after a month-long trip from Munich and I'd bought a lot of chocolates for the office staff.I called over  45  of the housekeeping staff members called Babu.I gave him a box of chocolates and told him to distribute it  46  among the housekeeping staff.His face immediately broke into a wide smile and this made me  47 

   But the story doesn’t  48  here.The best part of it a11 was that Babu actually distributed the chocolates among everyone equally,49  giving extra chocolates to a woman who has a 5-year-old son.It was so  50  for me to see this.I find it really  51  to understand how we,who have the money to buy chocolates and other goodies,do not even feel like  52  and just think how much we can grab.  53  ,Babu,who earns only just about enough to raise his family,was so  54  and did not even keep one extra chocolate for himself. 

   It made me  55  one simple question:Which is better,having a little less money but being kind and generous or having lots of money but being selfish?


54. A. respect         B. sympathy          C. thanks             D. satisfactory


53. A. devoting        B. remembering      C. acknowledging     D. ignoring


52. A. rather than     B. more than         C. less than           D. no more than


51. A. excellent       B. skilled             C. generous          D. grateful

