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38. A. twisted       B. beat          C. tied              D. burned


37. A. refused       B. tried         C. managed        D. decided


36. A. terrorists     B. thieves       C. teenagers        D. passers-by


55. A. necessary           B. practical           C. careful           D. honest

答案  36-40 DACBA   41-45 ACBCD   46-50 ABCDA   51--55  CBABB

Passage 18


What seemed impossible is possible nowadays. One spring afternoon last year a group of  36  attacked a 15-year-old girl in the Berlin district of Köpenick. They hit her in the face and pushed her to the ground. When the victim  37   to hand over her money, some of them held her down and  38  her arms with a lighted cigarette. The  39   were not a gang of boys, but of 13- to 15-year-old girls.

While men are still responsible for the  40  of crimes in Germany,  41   violence is on the rise. Young girls and women of all  42  groups are becoming more violent, and that has been a  43   trend for several years. Last year in Berlin, the  44   of female suspects of violent crime under the age of 21 increased by almost 8%, while that of male suspects  45   slightly. Violent crimes like  46 and serious bodily harm have even shot up by 18% and 25% among young women.

Why are  47   women becoming more violent? Gender(性别)  48   may have something to do with it. Today's females are drinking and smoking more, and raising all sorts of  49   things. Girls and young women are generally less held back in adopting male forms of behavior.  50  , the same goes for the  51   of violence. The members of all-female gangs tend to be especially  52  . When particularly humiliating methods like burning or undressing are involved, the  53   will usually be girls. It seems to be all about showing the  54  , “Hey, we can do  55   than you. ”


54. A. suggests            B. requires           C. insists          D. encourages


53. A. decision           B. plan            C. conclusion         D. judge


52. A. no              B. all              C. few            D. both


51. A. interested in       B. devoted to         C. limited to       D. troubled by


50. A. it               B. which            C. that            D. this


49. A. on              B. office             C. business          D. off

