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7. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ___ her job as a doctor in the countryside.

A. set out    B. took over  

C. took up   D. set up


6.When does the ceremony ____? All the lovely boys and girls are waiting for it.

A. happen    B. beak out  

C. take place   D. come out


5.____you eat the correct foods _____be able to keep fit.

A. Only if; will you  B. Only if ; you will

C. Unless; will you  D. Unless; you will


4. He lay on his back at the corner of the street, his eyes ____ and his hands _____.

A. close; tremble   B. closed; trembling 

C.closing; trembling  D. closed, trembled


3. ____, we have to get down to business right away.

A. As there was no time left  

B. There is no time left

C. There being no time left   

D. To be no time left


2. The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make __ it is.

A. what  B. which  C. how  D. where


1. Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s _____ the best jobs are.

A. where  B. what  C. when   D. why


30.Fitness is important in sport, but of at least ___ importance are skills.

A. fair  B. reasonable C. equal D. proper

1-5DDBCA  6-10BBACB  11-15BBABD  16-20DBDBA  21-25ACBBD  26-30CACAC


29. As ___ matter of fact, ____ beauty of ___ nature there made an excellent impression on me.

 A. a, the, /   B. a, the, the 

C. the, the,   D. a, / , the


28. We are ignorant of the degree ____ his experiments have supplied forceful evidence for his idea.

A. at which   B. in that  

C. to which   D. for which

