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10.From the first paragraph we know that     .

    A.mother care is the best according to a national study

    B.child care outside home is the best in accordance with the study

    C.regular child care outside home may play a role as a mother

    D.connections between mothers and infants are damaged by outside care


9.From the text we can infer that      .

    A.rocks on Mars can help know whether water used to flow on it

    B.rocks on Mars can help describe what the world was like long ago

    C.rocks on Mars are too hard to whack at

 D.rocks on Mars can not be easily peered at


    Regular child care provided outside home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine(削弱)healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants(婴儿),according to a long-term national study .The finding holds even if care begins during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week.

    Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers ,however ,the

mother-child relationship may be damaged . “This research helps us put apart complexities(复杂性)regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail ,” contends (主张)Jay Belsky , a psychologist from Pennsylvania State University .Belsky and several of his colleagues announced their findings last week at the international conference.

    The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston .The

youngsters ,no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991 ,will be tracked until the age of 7. Experimenters gave questionnaires(问卷)to mothers in their homes and videotaped baby caretakers interacting(相互影响)with the kids at ages 1.6 and 15 months .Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness .Unlike most previous studies , this one allows researchers to observe each one studies ,this one allows researchers to observe each caretaker’s personality at child nursing ,and kids’ emotional reaction by the equipment .After taking family factors into consideration ,other psychologists state that the researchers found no relation between the quality of child care and infants’ response(反应).But the experimenters contend that the boys who spent more than 30 hours per week in child care exhibited more emotion for their mothers than other boys who didn’t ,and the girls who spent the same hours per week in child care showed a modest(适度的) rise in this emotion .Therefore ,quality of child care outside home plays an important role on the connection between mothers and infants .


8.Why is it a good time to send robots to the Red Planet ? Because     .

    A.the space agency wants to correct the embarrassing mistake four years ago

    B.Mars and Earth pass near each other every 26 months

    C.this time the Red Planet is the nearest to the earth since

    D.the space agency has got $ 800 million from the government


7.How many attempts to go to Mars have been made?

    A.30            B.12        C.More than 1/3      D.Less than 30%


6.What dose the underlined word “inflate” mean in the second paragraph ?It means “     ”.     A.rise into the air               B.float in the air

                  C.be filled with air         D.explode in the air


5.According to the passage ,if a person being interviewed is too uneasy to give you anything

    useful ,what should you do?

    A.Arrange another interview.     B.Give him or her a bad score.

    C.Wait until he or she calms down.  D.Try to make him or her trust you .


    Friday ,June 13-NASA launched Spirit, the first of two of Mars-bound explorer robots ,on Tuesday .Spirit will roam the surface of Mars while taking pictures, hammering on rocks ,and looking for signs of life.

    The cart-sized rover took off from Cape Canaveral ,Florida and should reach the Martian atmosphere by January .Eight seconds before crashing into the Red Planet ,giant airbags will inflate and brakes will stop Spirit in the air .The craft will fall the last 30 feet ,bounce when it hits the surface ,and come to rest in a crater that may once have been a lake .

    “Getting to Mars and landing on Mars is not exactly easy ,” said NASA science chief Edward Weiler . “In fact ,there have been 30 attempts to go to Mars ,and only 12 have succeeded .”

    On June 25, NASA plans to launch an identical( similar) rover ,Opportunity ,to search the opposite side of Mars .The two robots can each cover the length of a football field in a single day .Opportunity and Spirit were named by Arizona third-grader Sofi Collis in a NASA-sponsored contest .

    Scientists are confident that long ago ,water flowed on Mars .Now they want to know when ,and for how long . “That’s the key question for life ,” says Weiler. “Whenever you find water lasts for thousands or millions or tens of millions of years , life seems to spring up .”

    Spirit will carry in its mechanical arms a hammer to whack at Martian rocks and a microscope to peer at the pieces .Just as they do on Earth ,rocks contain information about what their world was like when they formed .Also on board are cameras ,magnets for collecting dust particles ,and other pieces of scientific equipment .

    It’s a great time to send robots to the Red Planet .Mars and Earth pass near each other every 26 months ,but this time ,Mars is closer to Earth than it has been in 73,000 years .

    The launch of Spirit and Opportunity marks NASA’s first return to the Mars since a pair of disasters four years ago .In 1999 ,they lost two crafts-one by an embarrassing mistake .This time ,the space agency spent $ 800 million to get it right . “We have done everything humanly possible to eliminate(smooth) as many of the risks as possible in this mission ,” said Weiler . “But there still is risk.”


4.It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that most men and women     .

    A.are afraid to meet interviewers     B.hate being interviewed

    C.like being interviewed        D.fear to speak to outsiders


3.The writer of the passage suggests that before interviewing a person ,you should    .

    A.have sharpened your pencil well and get your notebooks ready          

    B.visit a town official and meet an actor

    C.read as many books as possible           D.make good preparations


2.According to the passage ,during an interview note books or paper should     .

    A.never be used       B.be used only when necessary

    C.be kept at home      D.be given to the interviewer


1.The underlined word “reveal” could best be replaced by “    ”.

    A.ask           B.question       C.give         D.seek

