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7. It’s dark inside. He must have fallen asleep, ________ he?

A. didn’t  B. hasn’t  C. mustn’t  D. can’t


6. h seems to me that Mr White_______busy.

A. always is nearly   B. nearly is always

C. is nearly always   D. is always nearly


5. Both films were very interesting, but I prefer ________ one.

A. the instructive   B. the more instructive

C. instructive    D. a very instructive


4. Regarded as something like a slave,______.

A. his masters did not allow him to eat with them

B. no boys wanted to be his friends

C. little Tom’s could not send him to school

D. he was not allowed to play with the white children


3. He did that not because he meant to hurt but______ you the truth.

A. tell           B. telling

C. because he wanted to tell   D. to tell


2. We must take care that ________ of these should get into the wrong hand.

A. no one  B. not   C. nothing  D. none


1. One or perhaps more guests ________ still in the garden.

A. is  B. has been  C. was  D. are


1.be to结构,表按计划被命令要做的事。2.从that从句看出,all代表不可数名词。3.have the boys trained使孩子们得到训练。be quick at中介词at是固定的。4.can not help but接动词原形。5.动名词permitting是及物动词,后应接宾语。6.独立主格结构做前置状语。7.north-hemg面向北的。8.not yet还没有。9.straight有with out delay的童思。10.“在没有人看着的时候”。11.“怎样才可以为国家做更多的事情”。12.落下东西用leave而不要用forget。13.由down引起倒装。14.对否定陈述的赞同也要用no。15.so=indeed  16.在句中,worth是名词。17.asleep是表语形容词,但也可以当后置定语。18.在be reduced to“被沦落到”中,to是介词。19.characters人物,in character在性格方面。20.put on表示“穿上”的动作。


1. B  2. C  3. D  4. A  5. B  6. C  7. D  8. B  9. A  10. A  11. B  12. A  13. C  14. B  15. A  16. A  l7. A  l8. C  19. D  20. D



20. Hearing the gunshot, the boy ______ his coat and rushed out.

A. had on  B. dressed  C. pull on  D. put on


