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19. He was an excellent student in his class, and often got_______in maths.

A. second    B. the second 

C. first     D. a first


18. This great event was ____ by the state radio.

A. said      B. spoken

C. announced    D. talked


17. The Emperor was quite pleased _______ what the old Prime Minister had said.

A. for    B. by    C. on    D. with


16. The teacher looked at her students _______ table tennis in the hall.

A. play     B. to play 

C. played   D. how playing


15. Would you _______ keeping an eye on the baby while I cook the dinner?

A. like   B. love  C. please   D. mind


14. Such materials were used to _______ houses in the past.

A. build      B. building 

C. being built    D. built


13. “_______have you served in my army?” the general demanded.

A. When        B. How often

C. How soon       D. Since when


12. The boy is not ______ to dress himself.

A. old enough      13. enough old

C. so old        D. very strong


11. -He is very angry with his old father, isn’t he?


A. I don’t hope that     B. I hope not

C. I don’t hope so     D. I don’t hope it


10. His wish is to take a long bus ride _______ to visit his hometown again.

A. so    B. and   C. because   D. but

