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5. The discovery seems to     (确认)that people lived here over 10,000 years ago.


4. It is difficult to p     what the long?term effects of the accident will have.


3. If you don’t speak English well, you will be at a big     (劣势) when you try to get a job.


2. The price is too high, and m   , the house is not in a suitable position.


1. He told me that his first  a     on stage was at the age of three.


Mrs Brown is from Australia. She has been teaching us English for nearly a year.

 She is a middle-aged woman, about 40 years old. She has fair hair and blue eyes. She is fairly tall. She is active in sports and likes to go sightseeing. She has already been to many places of historical interest ever since she came to China.

Mrs Brown is a good teacher. She has a curious way of teaching, which makes her class lively and interesting. She is very strict with us but always ready to help us with our studies. She is a warm-hearted woman and we all like her.

Next month she will finish her teaching in our school and will return to Australia.

We will miss her a lot.


9. market      10. expected


6. map       7. Provide/Supply     8. testing


3. CD-Quality    4. updated   5. easier


4. 解析:选A。考查找关键词的能力。关键词culture及其同义词,文章中共出现了三次。

