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13. To my surprise, the manager _______ 30 dollars from my salary without any good reason.

A. cut off        B. held up  

C. brought down   D. kept back


12. The plan  _______  just because people were unwilling to co-operate(合作).

A. broke down      B. pulled down 

C. turned down   D. put down


11. Remember that you won’t be able to cancel the contract _______ you’ve signed.

A. before   B. until

C. once   D. though


10. So interested _______ in sunbathing that they often go south with their families on weekends.

A. is the English   B. the English is

C. are the English  D. the English are


9. -What about going to attend his birthday party tomorrow evening?

-That’ll depend on my work, but it _______ be a suitable time for me.

A. must   B. should

C. might   D. will


8. -Will you two go to the show tomorrow?

-No. We’re going to a lecture, or at least I’m planning_______ .

A. it    B. to 

C. that   D. so


7. The newly-founded company is faced with lots of trouble, _______ the financial problem is not the worst.

A. which       B. of which

C. to whom    D. with which


6. Turn off the switch _______  anything goes wrong with the machine.

A. while     B. whether

C. when       D. unless


5. Many people _______ to the idea that money brings happiness, but I don’t think so.

A. support     B. order 

C. subscribe     D. approve


4. Iraq has _______ too many wars since 1990s,making his people _______ a lot.

A. got through; pay

B. looked through; face 

C. gone through; suffer

D. passed through; destroy

