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8. -I’ve read another book this week.

-Well, maybe     is not how much you read but what you read that counts.


A. this      B. that    C. there    D. it


7. I need to buy a new MP4 and cellphone badly but I can’t afford     .

A. one      B. that    C. it     D. the one


6. I don’t forget for ever how many years ago     was that I last met her in the coffee bar.

A. this      B. it     C. which    D. when


5. It was a(n)     situation, because the restaurant was too expensive for us but we didn’t want to just leave.

 A. amazing       B. curious

C. desperate     D. awkward


4. During the earthquake, the great part of damage and loss of life was     the poor quality of the buildings, which couldn’t fight against its force.

A. as for       B. instead of

C. according to    D. due to


3.     there are many differences in personality, they have a lot     common.

A. While; in      B. Although; on

C. In spite of; in   D. Thanks to; on


2. The house won’t certainly sell     the fact that it’s overpriced.

A. in spite of     B. because of

C. in addition to    D. but for



1. It doesn’t make any     now what he says-it’s too late for apologies.

A. difference      B. effect

C. progress       D. development


4. 今天好热啊, 我想去游泳。

 It’s so hot today. I        going swimming.

