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59.B考查细节理解。根据第五段末句“but I believe that keeping things light and comfortable encourages better teamwork.”可知8项正确。


58.A考查细节理解。根据第三段第三句“So that they’11 be in place when you really need them later.”可知目的是提前做好准备,以防需要。


57.B  考查句意理解。第一段作者提到很多大学毕业生开始找工作,这并不是学习生涯的结束,反而真正的教育才刚刚开始。故8项符合题意。


60. The target readers of this passage are probably  .

A. educational experts

B. people who want to change jobs

C. college graduates who have just left school

D. high school students who are still at school 



59. The author believes that being humorous means that you  .

A. should prepare jokes to be used in various situations

B. can deal with difficult situations in an easy and comfortable way

C. can show your difference from others and be able to succeed

D. should smile all the time and avoid being serious on any occasion


58. You should start to strengthen your relationships now because  .

A. it will take you time to develop them before you need them

B. you may have gotten used to being judged as an individual, and need to change

C. successful people have no time to develop relationships with you

D. you need to spend a lot of time learning the importance of good relationships


57. By saying “your real education is just beginning”, the author wants to  .

A. explain why it’s difficult for college graduates to find jobs

B. show the importance of social experience, besides schooling, in education

C. advise students to value their time at school, and to study hard

D. advise college graduates to face bravely the problems they may encounter(遭遇)


70.  C 考查作者写作意图。作者介绍了科学家们一份新的研究发现:吸烟会对人的身体各方面的产生影响,以此来告诉人们吸烟的害处,告诫人们要少吸烟。因此C项符合作者的意图。


69. A考查细节理解。由倒数第二段可知,吸烟能够引起血管变窄,使供应给皮肤的血液减少,因而诱发皮肤老化。故A项为正确答案。

