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4. A. drawn   B. thrown  C. fixed   D. caught

答案:A  指导:表示眼光“被吸引”。fix one's eyes on"盯住,凝视”,catch one's eye"吸引某人的目光”,在此都不合适。


3. A. run    B. separate  C. disappear D. appear

答案:C  指导:因为作者是跟在最后一位选手的后面,而她又是位残疾人,与跑在前面的选手差距很大,故只有前面的选手开始“消失”时,作者才能发现她。


2. A. first   B. best    C. only   D. last

答案:D  指导:由后文可知,作者和司机应是跟在“最后”一位选手的后面。


1. A. so that  B. in case   C. in time  D. only if

答案:B  指导:incase(that)引导条件状语从句,意为“万一”。作为医生的职责就是出现意外情况时,能够及时给予急救。so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便”;intime"及时”,不能充当连词;only if 引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。


20. A. and    B. so     C. but     D. while

答案:C  指导:前后文构成的是“转折”关系。这种态度似乎是消极的,但却表现了一个人的智慧和勇气。理顺了上下文的逻辑关系,就能排除其他选项的干扰。

Cloze  3

   The annual marathon in my town usually occurs during heat wave. My job was to follow behind the runners in an am bulance  1  any of them needed medical attention.

   "We're supposed to stay behind the  2  runner, so take it slowly," I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started.

   The front-runners started to  3  and then my eyes wen  4  to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a leos white T-shirt.

   We knew we were already watching our "last runner" Her  5  were so crippled (残疾的) that it seemed almost in possible for her to be able to walk,  6  alone run a marathon.

   Doug and I  7  in silence as she slowly moved forward  8  , she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with awe (敬畏)  9  she pushed forward with great  10  through the last miles.

   When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the   11  crowds had long gone home.   12  standing straight and ever so proud  13  a lone man. He was  14   one end of a ribbon (缎带) of crepe paper (皱维纸) 15   to a post.  She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering (飘扬) behind her.

   1 do not know this woman's name, but that day she became a part of my  16  a part I often depend on, For her, it was about  17  the other runners or winning a prize, it was about  18  what she had set out to do, no matter  19 

 When I think things are too difficult or I get those "I--just-can't- do--it," I think of the last runner. Then I realize how  20  the task before me really is.


19. A. really          B. immediately

C. carefully        D. hopefully

答案:B  指导:作者强调人们在处于危急或困境时应“保持镇静”,不要轻举妄动,因此不必“立即”去斗争。其他副词都脱离了作者所表达的中心。


18. A. Mind    B. Watch   C. Imagine   D. Warn

答案:A  指导:mindsb.当“提醒某人”讲。处于迷茫状态时,你应该提醒自己情况不明朗,不要轻举妄动。watch"注视、监视”,imagine"想像”都不合题意;warn"警告”语气太强,用在此处也不合适。


17. A. adventure B. work    C. life    D. mankind

答案:C  指导:作者由上述两个事例联想到“生活”。life意义最具有概括性。作者把上述的经验和教训扩大到了人们的实际生活,故其他选项都太片面。


16. A. save    B. help    C. stop    D. calm

答案:D  指导:作者强调的就是人们处于危急或困境适时应“保持镇静”,故用calm.


15. A. end    B. top    C. opening   D. side

答案:C  指导:从后边“亮光闪烁”可知,这儿指的是“出口”,故用openmg.

