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5. A. blocks   B. parts   C. meters  D. steps

答案:A  指导:此处指作者走了几个“街区”,这是外国人常用的概念。


4. A. stand          B. grasp

  C. hear          D. understand

答案:D  指导:作者是外国人,故“听不懂”司机的话。其他选项“忍受”“抓住”“听到”不合逻辑。


3. A. rolled         B. put

  C. pushed         D. pulled

答案:A  指导:司机把窗户“摇”下来。根据常识,其他选项都不合逻辑。


2. A. noticed         B. met

  C. called         D. asked

答案:A  指导:此处是作者无意中“注意”到了路边的司机,故用noticed.其他选项不能准确表达题意。


1. A. early    B. late   C. fast   D. slow

答案:B  指导:从后面作者着急看,作者是迟到了。


20. A. others        B. myself

   C. friends        D. people

答案:A  指导:作者表达自己的愿望:希望自己的错误都能得到改正,不会对“其他人”造成严重的后果。其他选项都不合逻辑。

 Cloze 5

    The other morning I was walking down the street on my  way to work. I was a few minutes   1  , so instead of taking

 the bus I was planning on calling a taxi. As I turned out of my  apartment (公寓) I  2  a man in a car on the side of the road, who  3  down the window and started saying something to me that I couldn't  4    I continued walking out towards the main road.  I had walked several  5  and still had not come by a ( n )  6  taxi. Suddenly the hair on thc back of my neck began to prick up (竖起) as I realized I was being  7  . The car had turned around and was driving slowly right behind me.

   We are  8  from a very young age not to talk to stran- gers,and never  9   to get into a car with someone you don't know. In spite of the fact that my upbringing (教育) taught me to keep walking or even  10  help, I slowed down to try to  11   what the man was saying. I  12  that he was trying to give me a  13  , but this wasn't a taxi. Although I went  14  what single American women are  15   to do, I negotiated(谈判)the price and got into the car.

My friends back home in America would think I was  16   if I told them I got into a car with a  17   on the way to work.   18  , I had a smooth ride to work and the man was very nice. He told me all about his family and I told him about mine in America. At the end of the ride, I   19   him and as I paid and got out of the car I started thinking what an amazing city Beijing is. It has the perfect  20   of a big city, yet also has the culture and kindness of a small town.


19. A. desired        B. lasting

   C. same         D. harmless

 答案:B  指导:作者容易改正自己的错误是因为他们的影响都不持久。lasting当“持久的”讲。desired当“所期望的”讲=expected,其他选项也都不合逻辑。


18. A wrong          B. exciting

答案:C  指导:作者是一个普通人,改正自己的错误当然“容易”。从作者作为一个普通人和世界上握有重权的人相比较这一点可知,其他选项都不合题意。

   C. easy         D. usual


17. A. trying        B. testing

   C. challenging      D. proving

答案:D  指导:录音带“证明”了尼可松总统卷入了“水门”事件,从而导致了他的下台。“尝试,实验”“测试”“挑战”都不合题意。


16. A. appearance      B. state

   C. condition       D. situation

答案:D  指导:掩盖的只能是“形势”。“现象”“状态”“状况”都不符合题意。

