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3. Which of the following steps Bush administration will take is not true.'?

  A. To find out the incident-maker.

  B. To help the victims and their families.

  C. To declare the attack day as a national tragedy.

  D. To put off the education themed event.

答案: D  指导:“steps”意为“措施”,倒数第二段和第三段中,A、B、C项都有提及。只有D项不是与A、B,C并列的救急措施。

Passage 3

   University researchers tested the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors. For the first group, the room was painted white; for the second, dark brown.  The movement of each group was followed by an electric system hidden under the carpet. Tie experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly, covered more area, and spent less time in the room than the people in the white environment. Dark brown stimulated(刺激)more activity, but the activity ended sooner.

   Not only the choice of colors but also the appearance (外表) of a room has effect on those inside it. In a second experi ment the researchers prepared subjects with photos of faces. Three groups of subjects were used; each was shown the same photos, but each group was in a different kind of room. One group was in an "ugly"room that seemed to be a messy (零乱的) storeroom. Another group was in a common room an of- fice. The third group was in a beautiful living room.

   Results showed that the subjects in the beautiful loom ap- peared to give higher ratings (评价) to the faces than those in the ugly room did.

Other studies suggest that students do better at tests taken in comfortable rooms than in ordinary-looking or ugly rooms.


2. In "aborting another education-themed event" the word "aborting"is the same meaning with______. 

A. putting off          B. delaying

C. postponing          D. stopping

答案: D指导:词义解释。abort基本意是“流产”,延伸义是“停止、取消”。


1. When Bush definitely learned the attack news from his chief of staff, Andrew Card?

  A. Soon after the first plane crashed into one of New York' s twin World Trade Center towers.

  B. In the middle of two attacks.

 C. Just after another plane crashed into the other landmark office building.

  D. On his journey to his office.

答案:B  指导:推理题。布什得到爆炸消息是在第一次撞击后,而在第二次撞击前,即应是两次撞击的中间,选B.


4. According to the passage, which of the following is true'?

  A. Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the viruses.

  B. The viruses will come to the new computer after staying in the old one for some time.

  C. Last year four countries found their computers were infec ted by viruses.

  D. The "Love You"Virus is a great harm to human health.

答案:A  指导:分析短文可知答案为A,科学家们正努力寻找消灭计算机病毒的方法。

Passage 2

    Facing sorest test. Bush declares "national tragedy"

   The worst attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor tore George W. Bush from what should have been routine education event Tuesday and threw him into the direst crisis of his young presidency.

   The US leader was reading to schoolchildren at an elemen tary school when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, interrupted him and whispered into his ear.  The president's face clouded but he said nothing.

   "We'll talk about it later, "He told reporters as he walked out of Sandra Kay Daniels' second grade class, where he also listened to 18 smiling young pupils go through routine reading and pronunciation clrills.

   Card's intervention came after a plane slammed into one of New York' s twin World Trade Center towers. but before a second plane crashed into the other landmark office building.

   The president spoke out after the second incident, aborting another education themed event and declaring "a national trag edy"and vowing an all-out hunt for the authors of what he called an apparent terrorist attack.

   Bush said"he had ordered that the full resources of the fed eral government go to help the victims and their families and to conduct a fullscale investigation to hunt down and to find those folks that committed this act. Terrorism against our na tion will not stand."

"Today we've had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist at tack on our country. I have spoken to the Vice President. to the Governor of New York, to the Director of the FBI, "He said.


3. The most serious damage catted by the viruses is that________.

  A. the computer's functions are lowered

  B. the normal programs are damaged

  C. most the information stored in the computers is gone

  D. the computers infected by the viruses can no longer  be used

答案:C  指导:因为一旦计算机中的信息被毁坏,那会带来极其严重的后果,故应选C


2.  According  to  the  passage,  computer  viruses  seem to

   A. have heen in nature for years

   B. exist in any computers

   C. be able to be got rid of in the near future

D. be difficult to get rid of at present

答案:D  指导:由短文最后一句可知应选D,至今,仍无法消灭计算机病毒。


   On May 21,1999, some American scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright red spots crossing the computers' screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening, they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror, they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer viruses(病毒) ! Obviously all these computers had been infected by computer viruses.

   It is said that the computer viruses were made by two or three Philippine young men food of playing tricks. They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence(才智). The kind of computer virus is named"Love You"Virus This virus can hide in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack the computers by lower- ing the important fimctlons(功能), damaging their normal pro grams or even getting rid of a great deal of information which operators of the computers often use or store. What's worse, it still can reproduce itself in great quantities within a short time.

We have come to know that" Love You"Virus often at- tacks computers on Mondays and that it is spreading to many computers in the world.  Among the countries that suffered computer viruses recent years are Britain, Australia, Switzer- land and the U. S. Those who made the computer viruses have been found out slowly and carefully. But till now, how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem.

1. Two or three Philippine young men created the computer vi ruses to_______.

  A. damage the computers

  B. test their ability quickly

  C. tell the world that they were intelligent

  D. play a trick on operators of the computers

答案:C  指导:由文章第二段的“just to show their intelligence"可知应选C




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答案:March 20, Wednesday                Cloudy

   I joined the Army two years ago. This was the first time l went home to see my parents. I was very glad. When I walked by the side of a river, I heard someone shouting  Help. Help!"

   I saw three children struggling in the river. I jumped into the ice water without hesitation. I tried my best to pull two of them onto the bank. but the third was washed away. So I had

 to swim hack to save him. In the end I pulled the last one onto the hank. They were thankful to me and called me hero.

But I think I just did what I should do.





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答案: One day a farmer of the kingdom of Song was ploughing the field. Suddenly he saw a rabbit dash into a stump. The rab- bit broke its neck and died soon. The farmer was very glad that he got a rabbit without any effort. From that day on, he left his ploughing and kept watching by the big tree all day long in hope of getting another rabbit this way. But a whole year pas- sed and he got none. Looking hack, he saw the field lie waste, overrun with weeds.  He became a laughing- stock of Song people.


5. 某家中学生英文杂志以交通安全为题向读者征文,请你根据下列图画中UncleLi的一次经历写一篇短文应征,短文可以适当增减细节。


  生词:三轮车tricycle. 昏迷losecomsciousness

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答案:The other day Uncle Li left the bus station with a heavy box on his shoulder. Just then a young man riding a tricycle came and asked Uncle Li to pay four yuan for riding him home. On the way Uncle Li asked him to ride slowly, but he just smiled and rode even faster. Suddenly the tricycle turned over. The young man was badly hurt and lost consciousness. Uncle Li was slightly hurt in the forehead. They were sent to hospi- tal. Coming out of the hospital, Uncle Li made up his mind to take a bus.

