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5. It was twelve o'clock_______they finished the work.

A. since    B. which    C. that     D. when

答案:D  指导:此题易受强调句型思维定势影响而选C将其还原,则变成They finished the work twelve o'clock.显然twelveo'clock前省了介词at.因此可判定该题后面部分为定语从句,关系副词when在从句中作状语,it指代时间,不属于强调句型中的it.


4. In the office I never seem to have time until 5 .. 30p. m.,_______many people have gone home.

    A. whose time        B. that

C. on which         D. by which time

答案:D  指导:句意为:“到下午5:30之后,人们都回家了,我才有时间办么。D项"by...”,强调“到…时”,which指代先行词5:30p.m.符合题意。


3. I shall never forget those years I_______ lived the country  with the farmers, _______has a great effect on my life.

    A. that; which        B. when; which

C. which; that        D. when; who

答案:B  指导:第一填when,when引导一个定语从句,修饰前面的those years在从句中作状语(=inwhich);第二个空用which,which在此处指代前面整个句子并在从句中作主语。  句意为:我永远都不会忘记在乡下和农民一起度过的那些岁月。这里指“度过岁月”这件事对我一生影响极大。


2. Mother bought me a dictionary on my birthday,_______made me very happy.

A. what   B. that     C. who    D. which

答案:D  指导:which引导一个非限制性定语从句,代替前面整个句子。


1. This is Mr Smith, _______I think has something interesting to tell you.

A. who    B. whom    C. which    D. whose

答案:A  指导:who引导非限制定语从句,作从句的主语。I think为插入语。


6. modeling business is by no means easy to get_______into, the good model will always be in demand.

    A. While   B. Since   C. As     D. If

答案:B  指导:本题考查从属连词的用法。while在……期间,尽 管;since既然,自从……以来;as因为,当……时候;if如果,是否。题意:鉴于进入模特行业绝非易事,优秀的模特需求 量总是很大。选项A、D不可能,而句子前后又没有直接的因果关系,选项B比C更妥当。




5.Do you still remember the chicken farm _______ we visited three months ago?

A. where   B. when   C. that    D. what

答案:D  指导:whoever在从句中作主语,相当于anyonewho,此题易误选C。好像可以用whomever作to的宾语,事实上,引导词的使用主要取决于它在从句中的语法作用。如:I'd like to give this rose to whomever I met on Feb.14.whomever作met的宾语。


4.On stepping into his room he was astonished to find the  floor covered with_______ looked like tiny insects.

    A. that   B. something C. wlaat    D. anything

答案:C  指导:what引导的从句作介词with的宾语,同时在从句 中作主语,相当于thethingswhich.


3.In order to encourage the students to study hard, the school decides to give the scholarship to____wins

the first in the exam.

A. who   B. whom   C. whomever D. whoever


1 Roses need special care_______ they can live through winter.

A. because  B. so that   C. even if   D. as

答案:B  指导:句意,玫瑰需要特殊的呵护,这样它们才能度过寒 冬。so that引导目的状语从句。其他三项表示的逻辑关系 显然有悖常理。用because和as这样来描述原因才符合逻辑:Rose need special care in winter because/aS they can't  live throngh without any care.玫瑰在冬天需要呵护,因为如果不加呵护它们就过不了寒冬。Even as即使,由它连接起来的题干句有悖于一般的认识。

2. They are teachers and don't realize_______to start and  run a company.

    A. what it takes      B. what takes it

C. what they take     D. what takes them

答案:A  指导:what引导的是宾语从句,it为形式主语,指to start and ron a company.

