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6. A. work    B. live    C. study     D. help

答案:A  指导:workwith此处当“以…为工作对象”讲,而不是“跟某人一块工作”。此处题意为:我本来期望对大猩猩研究四年,但与大猩猩度过了几个晚上,我就一直陪伴它入睡。此处选“生活”、“学习”、“帮助”显然不合逻辑。


5. A. once    B. always   C. usually    D. never

答案:D  指导:由转折词but可以断定,“从来”没有对大猩猩进行过语言方面的研究。


4. A. courses   B. learning  C. studies    D. tests

答案:C  指导:此处是说原来曾经用黑猩猩做过语言方面的研究,但从来没有用过大猩猩做过类似的研究。make...studies当“进行……研究”讲。从与动问make的搭配关系可排除其他干扰项。


3. A. boring   B. exciting  C. useful    D. meaningful

答案:B  指导:此处表示大猩猩与博士之间的交谈非常“令人振奋”,从下文看,博士跟大猩猩的交流确实不同一般。“枯燥的”不合下文的逻辑;“有用的”、“有意义的”用在此处都有点太轻描淡写的味道,都不足以表达博士工作的非同一般。


2. A. what    B. since   C. when     D. although

答案:D  指导:本句是一个复杂的长句子,句意为:“尽管”大猩猩告诉我对我感兴趣而且说“有客人来访真好”,但还是它跟另外一个18岁的博士之间的谈话更为有趣。因此应用although引导让步状语从句。其他选项不能引导让步状语从句。


1. A. holidays  B. nights   C. days     D. afternoons

答案:C  指导:由前面“圈起的地”以及后面“当天不下雨时”推断,大猩猩也喜欢白天呆在室外。其他选项不合逻辑。


20. A. supplied  B. provided   C. acted     D. offered

答案:D  指导:经过测试及与J.K.Rowling的协议,Daniel获得了这个角色,offer sb.sth.意思是“提供给某人某事”。supply,provide都是“供应”之意。

Cloze 5

   Koko is the first gorilla (大猩猩) to have been taught sign language. Koko lives in the Santa Cruz mountains. She has her own house and an outside enclosure (圈起的地) where she spends her  1  when it is not raining.

   "Cold bad, Gorilla hate," Koko tells me, as I stand outside her house But  2  Koko was interested in me, and told me "Visitor good", it is her conversations with Dr Penny Patterson, 18, that are  3 

   Patterson was a psychology student when Koko was bom in San Frsndsco zoo in 1971. Language  4   bad been made using chimpanzees(黑猩猩) before, but  5  with a gorilla. "At first my expeetation was I'd  6  with Koko for four years," she says. "But after a few evenings  together, I couldn't put her down. I ended up sta- ying with her  7  she'd fall asleep."

   When she began  8  Koko the sign language that deaf--mute people  9  , forcing the little fingers of the one--year--old gorilla into the  10  positions for "drink'', "eat'', "more'' and rewarding(资深奖赏) her with  11  , she had no idea how quickly Koko would  12    Now Koko is so good at sign language that if she doesn't know a word, she  13  one. For example, she didn't knowthe word   14  "ring", so she joined the signs for "finger" and "bracelet" (手镯) to express it.

What has been unrecognized by science is that gorillas also have complex emotions (复杂的情感) --Koko was seen in an up set state when she heard her carers  15  the events of September 11. When Patterson asked her what she would  16   for her 11th birthday, Koko  17  she wanted a cat. The story了of Koko's cat enabled Patterson to learn  18  about her emo- tions. The cat was  19  by a car and Patterson had to  20  the news to Koko, who signed "Cry, sad, frown (皱眉头)".


19. A. back    B. next     C. front     D. opposite

答案:B in the next row指与制片人紧挨着的一排。A、C均有较大干扰性,在最前排和最后一排都不如紧挨着制片人更容易被发现。


18. A. bus    B. walk     C. break     D. look

答案:C  指导:从空后的and went out to a theatre in London's west end.我们得知Daniel Radcliffe是制片人在工作之余去剧院看演出时偶然发现的,因此C为最佳答案。Takea  break=have a break,其他选项不合语境。


17. A. checked          B. examined

C. tested          D. questioned

答案:C  指导:先试演,然后进行测试。从前面的“试演”可得到本答案的信息提示,排除其他选项。

