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7. A. taller      B. higher    C. lower     D. faster


6. A. got to      B. arrived    C. led to     D. belonged to


5. A. everybody    B. somebody   C. nobody    D. anybody


4. A. at       B. in      C. through    D. for


3. A. surprised    B. afraid    C. pleased    D. sure


2. A. rivers      B. hills     C. towns     D. villages


1. A. which     B. it    C. where     D. that


20. B  用1美元11分钱买来奇迹,反映了小女孩的 “信念”,其他的不合题意。


It was already late when we set out for the next town,  1   according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the  2  .

There we felt  3   that we would find a bed  4  the night. Darkness fell soon after we left the village, but luckily we met  5  as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that  6  the hills. As we climbed  7  , it became colder and rain began to fall,  8  it difficult at times to see the roaD. I asked John, my companion, to drive more  9  .

After we had traveled for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town which was  10  on the map. We were beginning to get  11  . Then without warning the car stoppeD. A quick  12  showed that we had run out of petrol(汽油). Although we had little food with us, we decided to  13  the night in the car.

Our meal was soon over. I tried to go to sleep at once,  14  John, who was a  15  sleeper, got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk   16   the hills. Soon he came back. From the top of the hill he had seen, in the valley below, the  17  of the town we were looking for. We at once unloaded(卸)all our luggage(行李)and with a great effort(努力),  18  to push the car to the top of the hill. Then we went back to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hill.  19   less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town, where we found a   20  quite easily.


19. D  小女孩的弟弟不久就回了家痊愈了,注意此选项与后面doing well的并列关系,其他三个选项与doing well在意义上重复。


18. C  说明Dr Carlton Armstrong富有爱心,无偿地为小女孩的弟弟做了手术,因此是没有收费。其他选项不合题意。

