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8. A. worried           B. encouraged      C. discouraged       D. excited


7. A. rejected           B. received        C. decided          D. lost


6. A. need             B. joy            C. settlements        D. shock


5. A. to               B. for            C. on              D. in


4. A. wealth            B. health          C. condition         D. order


3. A. novels            B. things          C. questions         D. problems


2. A. line              B. step           C. outside          D. doorway


1. A. phone            B. bell           C. clock            D. alarm


20.  B  因为my father 出了错,故向那位妇女道歉,选B。


I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February 18. When the  1   rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles, the   2   was Marty Banderas,  a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft( 草稿 )of my novel three weeks earlier. “I have a couple of   3  .” Banderas saiD. “First, how old are you?” “I'm 48,” I replieD. “Are you in good  4   ?” “Yes, excellent. What’s this about? ” “I’ve sold your novels    5    one and a half million dollars.” I sat down in   6  . I had written fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been   7    by the publishers. I suppose many people would have been    8    , but not me. Each time, I just    9     writing another one. My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to   10   up. Seeing this book  11   was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It's a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best-seller  12  two weeks after publication! I got my first lesson in story  13  from my grandmother. She used to read my stories. She was the one who gave me a   14   of words. She sparked (激发) my  15   and she has been a   16   influence on me. I always had stories running through my  17   and as soon as I could write, I  18    them down on paper. I married young and I have three children, but I never stopped writing.   19   novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布) and dishes. I'm writing another novel now. Yes, my   20   has changed my life.


19.  B  两张票座号相同,只是颜色不同,故选B。在此A有较大干扰性,电影院是以票的颜色的不同来方便检查日期的。

