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18. The worst financial crisis in a century has hit America,     home values fall, pensions disappear and 760,000 workers out of work this year. 

A. making       B. made        C. to make       D. has made 


17. You ______ have written so long an article. The teacher said 100 words would be enough.

  A. mustn’t        B. needn’t       C. couldn’t       D. wouldn’t


16.---Mum! Jack has broken my toy!

  ---_______ Accidents will happen.

 A. What is the matter?    B. Doesn't matter.   C. No trouble at all.   D. Why not?


15. When you are interviewed for a job, _______ your shyness and voice your opinion to the interviewer.

  A. look through     B. break through    C. go through      D. pass through


14. ---Could you meet me at the airport?

   ---I’d like to, but I’m afraid I ______ a very important meeting when you return.

   A. will have attended    B. was attending  C. am attending   D. will be attending


13. --- Hi, Tina, we’re going to Sam’s house to celebrate his graduation, would you like to    ?

--- Great! Let’s go.

A. come up           B. come on         C. come out           D. come along


12. Due to years of hard work, she looks older _____ she is. That is, she is old _____ her age.

  A. than; at       B. for; beyond     C. at; above      D. than; for


11. ---I can’t believe he’s fifty. He looks so young.

  --- ________ neither.

  A. Me         B. I        C. He         D. Him


10.________ along the quiet road at forty miles an hour , and then an old man suddenly started to cross the road in front of me.

  A. Driving    B. I was driving    C. Having driven    D. When I was driving


9. Whether ways will be found to help China _______ the current world financial crisis is just _______ worries the public.

A. prevent ;what         B. survive ;what        C. keep ;how       D. quit ;that

