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1. After being elected ______ President of ________ United States, Barack Obama moved with his family into ________ White House.

  A. /; the; /        B. /; the; the        C. the; /; /          D. /; an; the


第一节:根据短文内容,从 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 E 中选出最适合放入短文空缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. According to a survey, fewer people are travelling by trains or buses.

B. A national center would make decisions on things that effect the whole country.

C. Some of the problems are caused because different regions of the country do things differently.

D. Airplanes are a form of mass transportation now, like trains and buses were in the past.

E. But, they hope to make things better.




One morning, though the clock rang aloud, Mary didn’t woke up until eight. She hurried got dressed, snatched over her schoolbag, rushed towards her school. She ran so fast as she could, so that she might miss the first lesson. But to her disappointed, she found the school was quiet. After she entered into the schoolyard, it seemed that there was nobody in the school besides the guard. Mary was wondering how it was so while she saw the word on the bulletin board. It was Sunday.


20. –Could you do me a favor and forward this letter to Lucy?


  A. Don’t mention it   B. With pleasure   C. It’s a pleasure   D. My pleasure

