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20. I lost my way in complete darkness and, ______ matters worse, it began to rain.

A. made     B. making    C. to make    D. having made


19. Can you think of some cases ___ drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didn’t obey them?

 A. why      B. where      C. as     D. which


18. The boy was led _______while crossing the road.

  A. in the hand   B. by his hand   C. by hand   D. by the hand


17. By the end of this term, we _______ 6,000 English words in all.

A. will learn    B. will have learned   C. learnt   D. had learnt


16.______ has taken away my notebook?

A. Which of you   B. Who of you   C. Which you    D. Who you


15. ---Good afternoon, Madam. ___________?  ---No, can you help me please?

  ---Yes, Madam. What are you looking for?  --- I’d like to buy a needle.

A. Are you waiting for me  B. Would you like anything else C. Have you been waited on  D. What can I do for you


14. You were stupid to climb up that big tree. You  ________ yourself.

A. must have killed    B. can have killed C. should have killed   D. might have killed


13. ______ to the research, the scientist even forgot to have meals.

  A. Devoting B. Devoted C. Having devoted  D. To devote


12. _______ the production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

A. For     B. As    C. Because     D. With


11. I’d rather you ________ there next week.  A. went   B. go   C. should go   D. had gone

