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15. _________ for the terrible coal mine accident, as the public thought, the mayor of the city felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.

A. Having blamed  B. He was to blame   C. Being to be blamed   D. Being to blame


14. –How does our plan strike you?

  --It _________. We can’t think too highly of it.

A. makes no sense   B. is very practical   C. all depends   D. is just so so


13. When we are in a new place, we must _________ our manners and try to follow the customs of the place.

A. look out    B. keep eyes out    C. mind    D. put up with


12. They may go swimming with us ____________ they arrive here in time.

A. provided   B. because    C. unless    D. even if


11. In the early morning all of us stood at the top of the mountain ___________ east of the city, watching __________burning sun rising.

A. /; a    B. the; a    C. the; the      D. /; the


10. ________ that saw the rise of quite a number of new writers.

A. During the first half of the 18th century

B. That it was in the first half of the 18th century

C. It was in the first half of the 18th century

D. It was the first half of the 18th century


9. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ________ a sudden loud noise.

A. being there   B. there being   C. should there be   D. there was


8. When I came back, I saw him _________ at the back of the classroom.

A. sat     B. seated     C. seating    D. seat


7. –This summer is very hot.

  --Yes, but it’s not __________ as hot as last summer.

A. nearly     B. almost    C. near     D. mostly


6. Our teacher entered the classroom, __________.

A. a book in hand  B. book in hand   C. book in his hand   D. a book in hands

