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29. Word has come _____ some American guests will come to our school next week.

  A. which   B. that    C. when    D. if


28. He never speaks to me _____ to ask for something.

A. or rather   B. other than   C. rather than    D. otherwise


26. -----Your iPad looks nice. Can I borrow it?


A. Help yourself.  B. Go ahead    C. Out of the question      D. Come on!


21. She is ___ new comer to ___ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

A. the, the      B. the, 不填     C. a, 不填     D. a, the



21-25 ADCDA  26-30 BADCB  31-35 DCBAB

12. 山东省莱芜一中2011届高三复习诊断性测试(二)(期末)

第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


35.Jobs are hard to get and,     , more young people are continuing their education.

A.above all       B.as a result    C.after all      D.on the contrary


34.Sometimes, the entrance tickets are     free of charge from the university.

A.available       B.valuable      C.imaginable     fortable


33.Exploring the moon is a(n)     to China as well as the whole world.

A.opportunity      B.challenge     C.reaction      D.threat


32.-I haven’t found any money though I’ve searched the drawer bottom up.

-Then, I’m afraid there is     left.

A.nothing        B.no one       C.none        her


31.Parents should educate their children to     well while attending a party.

A.celebrate       B.observe      C.accept       D.behave

