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7.He came here by ________ way of London. In ________ way his health is much improved, but

he is still not really well.               

A.a;a              B./;a            C.the;the       D.a;the


6.In many countries people still keep up ________ tradition that women will get married in

________ long white dress.             

A.a;the            B.a;a             C.the;a         D.the;the


5. I am only a visitor to this city, so I don’t know whether ________ number of the car accidents

is increasing or going down.             

A.an              B.the           C.a            D.\


4.Nowadays ________ Internet is becoming increasingly popular and ________ new high speed

broadband network was recently started.    

A.a;the            B.the;a          C.a;a          D.the;the


3.-Do you know ________ English for “帅哥”?

-I’m afraid I don’t. I’m not interested in ________ English language.

A.the;the           B.the;/          C./;the         D./;/


2.What a wonderful ________ that they are working hard!

A.scene        B.sight       C.view      D.seeing


1.Not having a good ________ of English can be a serious obstacle to achieving your


A.demand       B.appreciation    C.experience   D.command


20.A growing anxiety is disturbing the public ________ the economy will continuously decline

A.which           B.that             C.why              D.where


19.Safety in school has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents ________ students got injured or killed while in school.

A.in which      B.for which     C.which        D.when

