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13.________ he told us is the news ________ China has got 32 gold medals in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens, ________, of course, made the nations feel very excited.

A.What;which;which              B.That;that;which

C.What;that;which               D.That;that;what


12.Personally I think it is the sales manager, rather than the sales girls,________ to blame.

A.is           B.that is           C.are               D.who are


11.Mother made a promise ________ I passed the College Entrance Examinations she would buy me a mobile phone.

A.that         B.if that           C.that if            D.that whether


10.A computer is so useful a machine ________ we can use everywhere.

A.that         B.which           C.as               D.what


9.________ different life today is ________ what it was 30 years ago.

A.How;from  B.What a;from      C.What;from        D.How;with


8.Is it true ________ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?

A.when        B.that when         C.whenever         D.that


7.The manager decided to give the job to ________ he believed had a strong sense of duty.

A.whoever      B.whomever        C.who              D.those


6.The factory produced many famous cars, none of ________ shipped to foreign countries.

A.them         B.which           C.it                D.what


5.Through English we will be able to communicate ________ part of the world we come from.

A.in which      B.even if           C.whatever          D.wherever


4.It is partly ________ the summer day is longer that everything has a larger time to warm up.

A.for             B.that             C.the reason          D.because

