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1351] ____ our team won the match made us happy.

[译文] 我们队赢了,我们很高兴。

  A. What   B. That

  C. Who   D. Which

[答案及简析] B。 that引导的主语从句。


1350] We all think ____ our tudy _____ tidy the lab after the experiment.

[译文] 我们认为做试验后把实验室收拾整洁是我们的职责。

  A. that; to   B. which; for

  C. it; to   D. this; to

[答案及简析] C。 6123结构。


1349] _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

[译文] 英语被认为是一种国际性的语言,这已是事实。

  A. There   B. This

  C. That   D. It

[答案及简析] D。 It is + adj. / n. that…句型。


1348] Einstain _____ his theory and never gave it up.

[译文] 爱因斯坦坚持他的理论,决不放弃。

  A. insist on   B. stuck to

  C. sticks to   D. insisted on

[答案及简析] B。 stick to 坚持。


1347] The reason why he was late _____ the meeting was ____ he had taken a wrong hus.

[译文] 那天会议她迟到的原因是她赶错了车。

  A. to; for   B. for; that

  C. for; because   D. for; for

[答案及简析] B。 be late for 做某事迟到了。


1346] She looks forward every spring to _____ the flower-lined garden.

[译文] 每个春天她就企盼着在花园散步。

  A. visit   B. paying a visit

  C. walk in   D. walking in

[答案及简析] D。 look forward to后面跟动名词。


1345] It is sleeping late in the morning that _____ being late for work.

[译文] 早上睡过头,结果上班迟到了。

  A. devotes to   B. sticks to

  C. refers to   D. leads to

[答案及简析] D。 lead to导致。


1344] I don’t know the restaurant, but it’s _____ to be a good one.

[译文] 我不知道那家餐馆,但据说它还不错。

  A. said   B. told

  C. spoken   D. talked

[答案及简析] A。 it is said to do sth. 据说….


1343] _____ we can’t get seems better than ____ we have.

[译文] 我们不能得到的东西比我们有的好。

  A. What; what   B. What; that

  C. That; that   D. That; what

[答案及简析] A。 主句中差主,宾,表语同时从句中也差主,宾,表语,用what引导。


1342] I’m _____ where I’m now.

[译文] 我满足于现状。

  A. content to remain   B. contented with

  C. contenting with   D. contented to

[答案及简析] A。 be content to do sth. 甘心地做…

