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1260] If everybody _____ how important it is to get rid of pollution, we _____ a better world.

[译文] 如果每个人都意识到消灭污染有多么重要的话,我们就有一个很好的世界。

  A. knows; will have   B. realized; would have

  C. realizes; could have   D. said; shall have

[答案及简析] B。 虚拟语气,与现在事实相反。


1259] In autumn, leaves turn yellow and _____ the tree.

[译文] 秋天,树叶变黄了丛树上落下来。

  A. fell from   B. fall down

  C. fall off   D. fall to

[答案及简析] C。 并列句,fall off从…落下来。


1258] You shouldn’t _____so many mistakes if you had been more careful.

[译文] 如果你小心一些就不会出这么多的错误。

  A. have made   B. make

  C. be making   D. have been making

[答案及简析] A。 shouldn’t have done 不应该做某事,但做了,有责备之意。


1257] He is lying _____ , staring into the sky.

[译文] 他仰躺着,凝视着天空。

  A. with his back   B. on his back

  C. on his back   D. on his stomach

[答案及简析] B。 on oen’s back 仰躺着。


1256] I know well how to _____ children.

[译文] 我很清楚地知道如何对付小孩。

  A. do with   B. dealing with

  C. deal with   D. doing with

[答案及简析] C。 how to 中的to是不定式符号,do with常和what连用。


1255] The old lady, who was _____ in bed, had many hens. Each of which ______ an egg a day.

[译文] 躺在床上的老太太有许多母鸡,每只鸡每天下一个蛋。

  A. laying; laid   B. lying; lay

  C. laying; lay   D. lying; laid

[答案及简析] D。 lie ---lay---lain 躺,位于;lie---laid---laid下蛋,搁置。


1254] _____ the sad news, tears come into her eyes.

[译文] 当她听到这个坏消息,眼泪马上就流了出来。

  A. While hearing   B. When she heard

  C. Hearing   D. Having heard

[答案及简析] B。 hear这个动作该句主语发不出来,只有选从句了。


1253] I am sorry to have taken your book ______mistake.

[译文] 对不起我拿错了你的书。

  A. in   B. by

  C. for   D. with

[答案及简析] B。 by mistake错误地(无心的)。


1252] -----Sorry I forgot to post the letter for you. ----- Noever mind, _____ it myself tonight.

[译文] -对不起,我忘了给你邮寄这封信。 --没关系,我下午自己去寄。

  A. I’m going to post   B. I’d better post

  C. I’ll post   D. I’d rather post

[答案及简析] C。 本题只要首先排除了A答案(表示预先计划好了的),答案就好选了。


1251] " Doctor Smith, someone wantd to see, ______ he wait in the office or outside?" said the nurse.

[译文] 护士说,"史密斯医生,有人要见你,你看是让他在办公室等还是在外面等?"

  A. will   B. must

  C. may   D. shall

[答案及简析] D。 shall 用于第二,三人称,表示请求指示,命令。

