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1.     (lose)in the fog, we were forced to spend two hours in the woods.


5. If you think you can drink so much without damaging your health, then you?re m     .


4. The books in the library are c    according to subject.  


3. The government should take e    measures to stop water from being polluted.


2. Quite a lot of people will b   themselves when tempted by money.


1. An a   represents his government in a foreign country.







In the Western countries, women are respected by many ways.1.    

In US as in Europe, you’ll see men usually open doors     2.    

for women, and women walk ahead of men to a room or       3.    

a restaurant, unless the men have to be at ahead of the     4.    

ladies choose the table or to give other services. On      5.    

the street, men always walk and cross the street on the side  6.    

of the ladies who is closer to the traffic. But if a man    7.    

walks with two ladies, he should walk among them. If the host  8.    

or hostess come to fetch the guest for dinner in a car,     9.    

the guest should sit in front seat and leave the back     10.    

seat empty, as the host or hostess is also the driver.


10. Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell short of our    .

A. expectations    B. advantages

C. opportunities    D. contributions


9. Mrs Black isn’t in and I’ll have to ring    . I would appreciate it if you ring    after 6 o’clock.

A. off; back   B. up; off    C. out; up    D. back; off

