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778] We had a hard life _____ in my childhood.

[译文] 在我童年的时候,我们曾经一度生活很艰难。

  A. at a time   B. at all times

  C. at one time   D. at any time

[答案及简析] A。 at a time曾经一度; at all time总是; at one time 先前,以前;at any time任何时候。


777] -----Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy?  -----she has_____ by her classmates.

[译文] --怎么这样不高兴呀?  --她被班上同学嘲笑了。

  A. laughed   B. laughed at

  C. been laughed   D. been laughed at

[答案及简析] D。 动词laugh是不及物动词,表示嘲笑得在后面加上介词at。


776] ----You’re drinking too much. ----- Only at home. No one ______ me but you.

[译文] --你真的喝醉了。  --只是在家里。除了你谁也看不见我喝醉了。

  A. is seeing   B. had seen

  C. sees   D. saw

[答案及简析] C。 情景英语。该句说的现在的情况,故用现在时态。


775] I really can’t decide _____ first. A small computer or a big one?

[译文] 开初,我真的难决定,是买大的电脑还是买小的?

  A. what to buy   B. to buy what

  C. which to buy   D. to buy which

[答案及简析] C。 在两种中选择,用which。


774] -----Was the class long enough? -----No, _______ enough.

[译文] --这节课够长的吧?  --不,不太长。

  A. it wasn’t much too long   B. it wasn’t too much long

  C. it wasn’t quite long   D. it wasn’t too long much

[答案及简析] C。 enough 不能与too连用。


773] The government of the country is trying to _____ the prices for foods in order to please people.

[译文] 为了使人民满意,政府正在降低物价。

  A. bring down   B. take down

  C. put down   D. lay down

[答案及简析] A。 bring down降低物价;take down放下;put down镇压;lay down放下。


772] Is _____ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?

[译文] 乘飞船到月球有可能吗?

  A. now   B. man

  C. it   D. that

[答案及简析] C。 It is + adj. + to do sth.句型。


771] You can’t _____ until tomorrow morning after the blood examination.

[译文] 直到明天上午查血后,你才可以吃喝。

  A. not only eat but also drink   B. either eat or drink

  C. neither eat nor drink   D. both eat and drink

[答案及简析] B。 该句中有否定词not,就只有用either …or…结构。


770] We’re trying our best to get our English _____.

[译文] 我们打算尽力提高我们的英语。

  A. improved   B. to improve

  C. improves   D. improving

[答案及简析] A。 过去份词作宾补,表示被动和动作的完结。


769] All the preparations for the task ______, and we’re ready to start.

[译文] 这项工作的所有准备已经完成,我们准备马上开始。

  A. completed   B. complete

  C. had been complete   D. have been completed

[答案及简析] D。 时态题,从后一句话中我们可以判断期那一句应该是现在完成时态。

