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698] They will complete the work ______.

[译文] 他们将在几周之内的时间里完成工作。

  A. after a few weeks’ time   B. in a few weeks’ time

  C. after a few weeks’ time   D. in a few week’s time

[答案及简析] B。 在将来时态的句子中,时间状语一般用in引导的短语。


697] Be sure to ______ your wife when we go to the party this evening.

[译文] 今天晚上的舞会你一定要把你的妻子带来。

  A. bring   B. take

  C. get   D. carry

[答案及简析] A。 bring带来;take带走;carry去取来。


696] We started early ______ before dark.

[译文] 我们早点出发以便在天黑前到达。

  A. in order to reach   B. in order that arrived

  C. so as to arrive   D. so that got to

[答案及简析] C。 不定式表示目的;reach是及物动词要跟宾语。


695] The world is _____ seven continents and four oceans.

[译文] 这个世界由七大洲,四大洋组成。

  A. made up of   B. made out of

  C. made from   D. made in

[答案及简析] A。 be made up of表示由什么组成;be made of/ from/ out of表示由制成。


694] He kept the light in his room ______ the whole night.

[译文] 他让灯在他的房间里亮了一整个晚上。

  A. burnt   B. burning

  C. burn   D. to burn

[答案及简析] B。 现在分词短语作宾补。


693] In the USA, he made a lot of friends ______ English well to make himself ______.

[译文] 在美国,他交了许多朋友学英语这样人家就能听懂他的话。

  A. learn; understand   B. to learn; understood

  C. learning; understand   D. learned; understood

[答案及简析] B。 第一个空是不定式作目的状语;第二个空是过去分词作宾补。


692] Whom can you trust, if not _______ ?

[译文] 如果不是他,你还能信谁呢?

  A. himself   B. he

  C. him   D. his

[答案及简析] C。 这儿是个省略句,作宾语。


691] She reached the top of the hill and stopped ______ on a rock by the side of the path.

[译文] 她到达了小山顶,停了下来,在路边的岩石上休息。

  A. to have rested   B. resting

  C. to rest   D. rest

[答案及简析] C。 不定式表示目的。


690] The result of the experiment was very good, _____ we hadn’t expected.

[译文] 试验的结果很好,这是我们预先没有估计到的。

  A. when   B. that

  C. which   D. what

[答案及简析] C。 非限制性的定语从句,which代替前面的句子。


689] The heavy snow stopped the farmers ______ in the fields.

[译文] 大雪使农民不能在地里干活。

  A. working   B. work

  C. to work   D. works

[答案及简析] A。 stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做什么。

