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338] May I ______ you to write me a receipt?

[译文] 麻烦给我写张收据。

  A. worry   B. disturb

  C. trouble   D. annoy

[答案及简析] C。 礼貌用语,麻烦某人做什么。


337] His quarrel with his boss ______ him his job.

[译文] 他和老板的争吵使得他丢掉了工作。

  A. speed   B. cost

  C. spent   D. saved

[答案及简析] B。 sth. cost sb. sth.结构。


336] It is really surprising that the girl ______ so early.

[译文] 这个姑娘结婚这样早真是令人惊讶。

  A. has married   B. had married

  C. marry   D. will marry

[答案及简析] C。 在It is surprising that…句型中从中使用了虚拟语气。


335] --- When shall we meet again? --- Make it ___ day you like; it ’s all the same to me.

[译文] --我们什么时候再见面?  --你决定,任何时候对我来说都一样。

  A. one   B. any

  C. another   D. some

[答案及简析] B。 代词any表示任何。


334] ______ in prison for ten years, no one recognized him.

[译文] 由于这个人在监狱呆了10年,没有人认出他来。

  A. The man’s having put   B. The man being put

  C. The man having been   D. Having been

[答案及简析] C。 独立主个结构做原因状语。


333] This is ______ that dog.

[译文] 这是一条和那条狗一样的大。

  A. as a big dog as   B. as big a dog as

  C. a as big dog as   D. a big as dog as

[答案及简析] B。 This is as big a dog as that dog.= This dog is as big as that one.


332] ______ is know to us all, China has its own English language newspaper.

[译文] 众所周知,中国有自己的英文报纸。

  A. it   B. which

  C. that   D. as

[答案及简析] D。 as非限制性定语从句才能位于句首。


331] To all of you _____ the honour of the success.

[译文] 成功的荣誉属于你们大家。

  A. belongs to   B. belong to

  C. belongs   D. belong

[答案及简析] C。 介词短语提前表示强调;belong to属于。


330] I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ______.

[译文] 我希望有足够的杯子给客人一人一个。

  A. it   B. those

  C. then   D. one

[答案及简析] D。 用one代替前面提到的可数名词。


329] This material ______ very soft.

[译文] 这种料子摸起来很软。

  A. is felt   B. feels

  C. has felt   D. feeling

[答案及简析] B。 feel半系动词后面跟形容词,用主动表示被动。

