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1813] There are many things which have to _____ before we finally make up our minds.

[译文] 在我们最后下决心之前还有很多事得想到。

  A. be thought   B. be thought of

  C. think about   D. think of

[答案及简析] B。 定语从句应是一个被动意思的句子。


1812] All that you mentioned _____ well known _____.

[译文] 你所提及的一切事情都是我们知道的。

  A. are; for us   B. is; by us

  C. was; to us   D. were; to us

[答案及简析] C。 all表示一切时,一般作单数讲;按时态一致的原则应是一般过去时态。


1811] He has recovered _____ of his friends.

[译文] 他的康复,使朋友们很高兴。

  A. to their much delight   B. to much delight

  C. to much their delight   D. much to their delight

[答案及简析] D。 to one’s delight 使某人高兴;程度副词much应该放在短语的前面。


1810] The thing that _____ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.

[译文] 要紧的事不是你是否失败,而是你尝试没有。

  A. cares   B. matters

  C. considers   D. minds

[答案及简析] B。 动词用法辨析,matter 表示要紧。


1809] ----- What do you think of the book?    ----- _____.

[译文] --你认为这本书如何?   --值得一读。

  A. The book is worth reading   B. It is worth reading the book

  C. You are worth reading   D. You are worth to read

[答案及简析] A。 此句是征求评价性的意见的句式,当然就得用评价的话语回答。


1808] The price of this washing machine has been increased _____ 15%.

[译文] 这种洗衣机的价格已经涨了百分之一十五。

  A. in   B. about

  C. to   D. by

[答案及简析] D。 增加了多少介词用by;增加到多少用介词to。


1807] The train arrived at _____ 8 o’clock, neither earlier nor later.

[译文] 火车正好八点钟到达,不早也不晚。

  A. properly   B. exactly

  C. almost   D. nearly

[答案及简析] B。 此题由neiter earlier nor later解题,表示正好用exactly。


1806] They neededd some more hands to do the work, _____they?

[译文] 他们需要更多的人手去做这项工作,是吗?

  A. didn’t   B. neededn’t

  C. mustn’t   D. needn’t

[答案及简析] A。 need事实意动词,在反意疑问句中应该用助动词do。


1805] My father _____ in a university.

[译文] 我父亲在一所大学里搞研究工作。

  A. takes a research   B. does a research

  C. takes research   D. does research

[答案及简析] D。 搞研究工作的短语是do / make research。


1804] Groups of _____ and _____ are eating and _____ at the foot of the hill.

[译文] 一群羊和鹿在小山脚下吃草和绿叶。

  A. sheep; deer; grass; leaves   B. sheeps; deers; grass; leaves 

  C. sheep; deer; grass; leaf   D. sheeps; deers; grasses; leaves

[答案及简析] A。 名词单复数问题,sheep, deer 单复数同形;grass不可数名词;leaf的复数是leaves。

