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1833] Nanjing lies _____ the Changjiang River and Hangzhou lies _____ south of it.

[译文] 南京位于长江边上,杭州在长江南边。

  A. by; on   B. on; to the

  C. on; in the   D. in; on

[答案及简析] B。 在江边上介词用on;在以…南介词用to。


1832] People in European countries go to _____ every Sunday. They believe in the God.

[译文] 欧洲国家的人每周星期天到教堂去做礼拜。他们信仰上帝。

  A. the churches   B. churches

  C. church   D. the church

[答案及简析] C。 go to church 类似于go to school。


1831] You can depend on _____ all the goods will be delivered in time.

[译文] 你完全可以信赖,所有货物将准时送到。

  A. that   B. whether

  C. it that   D. if

[答案及简析] C。 介词后面的宾语从句一般要用it作形式宾语。


1830] ----- Have you read all the books?    ----- Yes, _____ one.

[译文] --你把这些书都读了?    --是,全部读了。

  A. some   B. evey

  C. either   D. each

[答案及简析] B。 every强调整体;each强调个体。


1829] _____ on time, this medicine will be quite effective.

[译文] 按时服药的话,这种药是相当有效的。

  A. Taking   B. Being taken

  C. Taken   D. Having taken

[答案及简析] C。 药作主语,吃药只能是被动的。


1828] His class _____ unable to agree on a monitor so far.

[译文] 他的全班学生就班长问题还没有达成一致意见。

  A. are   B. has been

  C. is   D. have been

[答案及简析] D。 his claas 在这儿指的是全班学生,故应该用复数。


1827] _____ send for a doctor is still a question.

[译文] 派谁去请医生仍然是一个问题。

  A. Who that we will   B. That we should

  C. Whom we should   D. Who should we

[答案及简析] C。 send sb. for a doctor派某人去请医生。


1826] The speech _____ me very much was made by the famous professor.

[译文] 使我非常感动的演讲是那位著名的教授作的。

  A. which excites   B. that is excited

  C. exciting   D. excited

[答案及简析] C。 现在分词短语做定语。


1825] How I wish I _____ such a silly mistake, but I did.

[译文] 我希望我不犯这样愚蠢的错误该多好呀,但死我就犯了。

  A. had not made   B. would not make

  C. didn’t make   D. haven’t made

[答案及简析] A。 wish 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,与过去事实相反要用过去完成时态。


1824] He is late, _____ is often the case.

[译文] 他经常是这样迟到。

  A. as   B. what

  C. it   D. this

[答案及简析] A。 定语从句,as代替前面整个句子。

