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1863] There must be _____ reason for what he has done.

[译文] 他干的事一定有某种理由。

  A. much   B. several

  C. plenty of   D. some

[答案及简析] D。 some 可以修饰可数或者不可数的名词,表示某种。


1862] The money collected feom ticket sales could be ______ food.

[译文] 卖票所得的钱可以用在买食物上。

  A. pay back   B. spent on

  C. paid off   D. cost

[答案及简析] B。 spend sth. on sth. 把…花在…上。


1861] Can you tell me about the thing _____ yesterday?

[译文] 你能告诉我昨天发生的事么?

  A. having happened   B. had happened

  C. that happened   D. happening

[答案及简析] C。 定语从句, 现行词the thing 在从句中作主语。


1860] Mr Bush is on time for everything. How _____ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

[译文] 布朗先生从来就是准时的。他怎么可能今天的开幕式迟到呢?

  A. can   B. should

  C. may   D. must

[答案及简析] A。 在此句中,can是表示一种可能性的推测。


1859] Great attention should be _____ to the serious pollution.

[译文] 应该重视这个严重的污染问题。

  A. taken   B. found

  C. offered   D. paid

[答案及简析] D。 pay attention to 注意。多字动词的用法。


1858] If by chance someone comes to see me , ask them to leave a _____.

[译文] 如果偶尔有人来看我,就请他们留个口信。

  A. message   B. letter

  C. snetence   D. notice

[答案及简析] A。 leave a message留个口信。


1857] I’d prefer to visit the coal mine with my uncle instead of _____ those maths problems at home.

[译文] 我宁愿和叔叔去参观这个煤矿而不愿在家里做这些数学难题。

  A. calling at   B. calling on

  C. working for   D. working on

[答案及简析] D。 work on 从事于;call at, call on 拜访;work for为…工作。


1856] The King family ______ a visit _____ some of their relatives this week.

[译文] King一家人这周要去拜访他们的亲戚。

  A. is on; to   B. is in; of

  C. are on; to   D. are in; of

[答案及简析] C。 be on a visit to去游…,去访问…。一家人应该用复数。


1855] Her mother expected her to be a doctor, but she _____ her mother’s wish.

[译文] 她的妈妈希望她成为一个医生,但她违背了她妈妈的意愿.

  A. obeyed   B. faces

  C. went against   D. was against

[答案及简析] C。 go against 违背,违反;be against反对.


1854] The project lasted four years _____ one million US dollars.

[译文] 这项工程持续了四年,花费了一百万美元.

  A. and cost   B. and it was cost

  C. and costed   D. and it spent

[答案及简析] A。 并列句后面的时态要和前面句子基本一致.

