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1743] ----- Can I give you a lift?    ----- _____. I would prefer to walk.

[译文] --你搭我的便车,好吗?    --谢谢了。我步行。

  A. No, thanks   B. Yes, please

  C. That’s very kind of you   D. I don’t need your help

[答案及简析] A。 谢绝别人的帮助,为了显得礼貌用No, thanks。


1742] The high building _____ stand two guards is the police station.

[译文] 门前有两个卫兵的高大建筑物是公安局。

  A. in front of which   B. in front of it

  C. that   D. which

[答案及简析] A。 定语从句是一个倒装句,先行词在从句中充当地点状语。


1741] The reporter said that the UFO _____ from east to west when he saw it.

[译文] 报告者说,他看到不明飞行物时,它正由东向西飞行。

  A. was travelling   B. travelled

  C. had been travelling   D. was to travel

[答案及简析] A。 时态题,看到的时候,不明飞行物正在飞行。


1740] If you keep on, you’ll succeed _____.

[译文] 如果你继续坚持下去, 迟早会成功的。

  A. in time   B. at one time

  C. at the same time   D. on time

[答案及简析] A。 in time 迟早,总会,及时;at the same time同时;on time准时。


1739] The nurse treated the naughty boy kindly, but her patience _____ at last.

[译文] 护士对这个顽皮男孩很好,但她的耐心终于没有了。

  A. went down   B. used up

  C. got away   D. gave out

[答案及简析] D。 give out 耗尽,用完, 不及物动词短语。


1738] We found all his time _____.

[译文] 我们发现他的所有时间都花在教学上。

  A. devoted on teaching   B. devoted to teaching

  C. devoting to teaching   D. devoted to teach

[答案及简析] B。 devote … to doing sth. 被花在…上。


1737] Many of the _____ languages have been lost.

[译文] 剩下的许多语言已经失传了。

  A. remained   B. left

  C. kept   D. remaining

[答案及简析] D。 remaining 剩下的,作前置定语;left表示剩下的,只能做后置定语。


1736] All but one _____ going to take part in the sports meet _____ next week.

[译文] 除了一个人外全部要参加下周举行的运动会。

  A. is; that is to take place   B. are ; to be taken place

  C. are; to be held   D. is; which is to hold

[答案及简析] C。 all but one 做主语应用复数; 运动会举行在下周用不定式表示将来。


1735] Green _____ to see it was wrong to refuse to meet Tom.

[译文] 格林逐渐明白了,不见汤姆是不对的。

  A. went   B. came

  C. knew   D. understood

[答案及简析] B。 come to see 逐渐明白, come to do sth. 表示了一个渐进的过程。


1734] Young Pioneers are found all over China. They all have the same motto: _____.

[译文] 全中国都能看到少先队员。他们都有一句相同的呼号:时刻准备着。

  A. Get prepared   B. Be prepared

  C. Get perpared for   D. Be pepared for

[答案及简析] B。 应该是表示状态的短语。

