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1763] My husband has three sisters, all _____ than he. _____ , Marry is a typist.

[译文] 我丈夫有三个姐姐。他们都比我丈夫大,最年长的一个是一个打字员。

  A. elder; the elder   B. older; The oldest

  C. elder; The old one   D. older; The eldest

[答案及简析] D。 同辈人的长幼用elder表示;用于比较大小只能用old。


1762] We used to work in the same office and we _____ have offee together.

[译文] 我们以前在同一办公室工作,常常一道喝咖啡。

  A. would   B. should

  C. could   D. might

[答案及简析] A。 would表示过去的习惯,习性。


1761] He made a long speech only _____ his lack of knowledge of this suject.

[译文] 他做了一个长篇演讲,结果暴露出他对此学科知识的缺乏。

  A. showed   B. which showed

  C. to show   D. to have shown

[答案及简析] C。 不定式短语表示结果。


1760] Every time I have problems, I’ll turn to Tom and he will _____ them to me.

[译文] 每次我有问题我就求助于汤姆,他就会给我解释清楚。

  A. ask   B. settle

  C. tell   D. explain

[答案及简析] D。 explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释…。


1759] ----- Are you going to the concernt? -----No, the tickets are _____ expensive for me.

[译文] --你去听音乐会吗?   --不去,对我来说音乐会的票太贵了。

  A. very much   B. far too

  C. that   D. since

[答案及简析] B。 far副词,常表示程度。


1758] Something is wrong with the window; it _____ not open.

[译文] 窗子一定出问题了,它不可能打开。

  A. shall   B. may

  C. will   D. can

[答案及简析] C。 情态动词用法比较,will表示可能时,常和表示无生命的词连用。


1757] I know you are good at singing. Have you ever _____ a record of your own?

[译文] 我知道你擅长唱歌。你录制过你自己的唱片没有?

  A. done   B. made

  C. heard   D. set

[答案及简析] B。 make a resord录制唱片。


1756] The news was broadcast _____.

[译文] 这条消息正在广播。

  A. with fresh air   B. without air

  C. on the air   D. by air

[答案及简析] C。 on the air 正在广播;by air乘飞机。


1755] Tobacco companies _____ millions of dollars each year for the government.

[译文] 烟草公司每年给政府带来数百万美元的收入。

  A. take away   B. bring in

  C. bring out   D. lose

[答案及简析] B。 动词辨异,bring away带走;bring in带来;bring out带去;lose失去。


1754] -----What are they doing?   ----- They are _____ some music _____ the radio.

[译文] --他们在干什么?   --他们通过收音机在听音乐。

  A. listening to; on   B. listening to; of

  C. hearing; by   D. hearing; about

[答案及简析] A。 听音乐不用动词hear;通过收音机介词用on。

