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1603] I can’t find the house _____ we met the strange old man last week.

[译文] 我找不到我们上周遇见那个奇怪老头的房屋。

  A. which   B. what

  C. that   D. where

[答案及简析] D。 定语从句,先行词the house在从句中充当地点状语。


1602] I bought a used Longman Dictionary yesterday. It ____ me only twenty yuan.

[译文] 我昨天只花了20元买了本Longman 词典。

  A. spent   B. cost

  C. used   D. took

[答案及简析] B。 sth. cost sb. $. 句型。


1601] For reducing the hardship of farming, he _____ interest _____ making farming machines.

[译文] 为了减少农业的劳动强度,他对制造农业机械很感兴趣。

  A. had some; at   B. was very; in

  C. took much; in   D. got little; for

[答案及简析] C。 take interest in对…感兴趣。


1800] Do you think the young man our teacher is shaking hands with ____, Mary?

[译文] 你不认为和我们老师握手的年轻人很帅吗, 玛丽?

  A. pretty   B. beautiful

  C. lovely   D. handsome

[答案及简析] D 形容词辨析,pretty, beautiful 一般修饰女孩;handsome 一般修饰男孩,lovely一般修饰小孩。


1799] Such dear _____ mainly _____ green grass. As we know.

[译文] 我们都知道,这种鹿主要是靠绿草为生。

  A. feed; with   B. feeds; with

  C. feeds; on   D. feed; on

[答案及简析] D。 feed sb. with sth 表示具体的,一次的;feed sb. on sth.表示长期的,习惯的。


1798] Some singers and dancers will _____ performances in order to collect money for the Hope Project.

[译文] 一些歌星和舞蹈家将演出一台节目为希望工程募捐。

  A. work on   B. have on

  C. turn on   D. put on

[答案及简析] D。 动词辨析,只有put on有演出的意思。


1797] He was badly wounded in the head, but still _____ and he is the greatest hero _____.

[译文] 他的头部收了重伤,但他还活着而且是活着的最伟大的英雄。

  A. dead; living   B. hurt; alive

  C. alive; lving   D. alive; alive

[答案及简析] D。 形容词辨析,living ,alive 这两个词都是活着的意思,但living只能作前置定语,alive只能作后指定语。


1796] Put the flowers in warm rooms to _____ them _____ the freezing cold.

[译文] 把花都放进温暖的房间里,以保护它们不被严寒冻坏。

  A. resuce; off   B. protect; from

  C. keep from   D. stop; from

[答案及简析] B。 protect…from…保护..不使…受到伤害,而stop/ keep…from…是阻止的意思。


1795] Do remember _____ your friend when you come to our party.

[译文] 当你来参加我们聚会的时候,记住将你的朋友带来。

  A. to bring   B. bringing

  C. to take   D. taking

[答案及简析] A。 remember to do sth. 记住要做什么事;bring带来;take带走。


1794] Keep the little plants in the shade _____ the sun doesn’t burn them.

[译文] 把幼苗放在阴凉处,这样太阳就不会晒坏它们。

  A. to stop   B. so that

  C. as a result   D. in order to

[答案及简析] B。 本句是一个祈使句,后面是一个表示目的的状语从句。

