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1623] He is a brave man, _____ never fears for his life.

[译文] 他是一个勇敢的人,一个一生都不害怕的人。

  A. he   B. one

  C. who   D. the one

[答案及简析] C。 定语从句,who代替前面的句子作从句的主语。


1622] It _____ during the past century that learning is a lifelong task for human being.

[译文] 在过去的世纪里已经证明学习是人类终生的任务。

  A. is proved   B. proves

  C. has proved   D. has been proved

[答案及简析] D。 during the past century 包括现在,因此是现在完成时态。


1621] She heard a terrible noise, _____ bought her heart into her mouth.

[译文] 她听到了一个恐怖的声音,这声音使她把心都提到嗓子眼了。

  A. which   B. it

  C. that   D. what

[答案及简析] A。 定语从句,which代替前面的句子作从句的主语。


1620] What he said _____. He knows nothing about the intelligence economy.

[译文] 他说的没道理。他对情报经济学一窍不通。

  A. get some sense   B. gets some sense

  C. make no sense   D. doesn’t make any sense

[答案及简析] D。 make sense固定搭配,讲得通,有道理。


1619] Do you think a person _____ is more clever than one _____?

[译文] 你是不是认为有债务的人比没有债务的人聪明一些?

  A. with debt; without debt   B. under debt; up debt

  C. in debt; out of debt   D. on debt; over debt

[答案及简析] C。 in debt有债务;out of debt没有债务。


1618] I’ve never talked with her. She _____ be an American, I guess.

[译文] 我从没和她谈过话,我猜,她也许是一个美国人。

  A. can   B. must

  C. may   D. might

[答案及简析] D。 情态动词表示推测,might表示不肯定。


1617] Her voice sounds _____. Everyone loves enjoying her singing.

[译文] 她的声音听起来甜美。每个人都喜欢听她的歌。

  A. terrible   B. terribly

  C. sweet   D. sweetly

[答案及简析] C。 sound 是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。


1616] China is as nearly large as USA _______ area but six times larger than USA _____ population.

[译文] 中国和美国在疆域方面差不多,但人口方面中国是美国的六倍。

  A. in; in   B. at; with

  C. for; on   D. in; on

[答案及简析] A。 in area 在疆域方面;in population在人口方面。


1615] I’d like to read at home _____ going to a film in such a cold, rainy day.

[译文] 我想在家里看书而不愿在这样一个又冷又下着雨的时候去看电影。

  A. but   B. to

  C. besides   D. rather than

[答案及简析] D。 rather than 而不愿。


1614] His last words were "I _____ die than give up my believes!"

[译文] 他最后的遗言是,"我宁愿死也不放弃我的信仰。"

  A. will   B. will more

  C. would   D. would rather

[答案及简析] D。 would rather … than…宁愿…而不愿…。

