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1643] The boy was _____ eager to get a geography book.

[译文] 这男孩非常想得到一本地理书。

  A. more   B. too

  C. much   D. far

[答案及简析] B。 too eager to do sth. 非常想做某事。这里不是"太…以至于…"的结构,因为句中的形容词是表示褒义的词汇。


1642] We ______ a pleasant journey but for the rain.

[译文] 要不是下雨,我们会有一个愉快的旅行。

  A. would have   B. will have

  C. had had   D. would have had

[答案及简析] D。 but for 要不是,引导短语表示条件,等于if it had not been for the rain。


1641] They _____ the house but found nobody in it.

[译文] 他们搜查了房屋但没有发现一个人在里面。

  A. have searched   B. searched

  C. searched for   D. were in seach for

[答案及简析] B。 search 及物动词,表示搜查什么地方或人。


1640] She can’t help _____ the house because she is cooking the meal.

[译文] 她不能帮助打扫房子因为她在做饭。

  A. cleaning   B. to be cleaned

  C. to clean   D. being cleaned

[答案及简析] C。 can’t help doing sth.禁不住;can’t help to dosth.不能帮助做什么。


1639] They stood there with their eyes wide _____, _____ what was happening.

[译文] 他们站在那儿,睁大着双眼,注视着发生了什么事。

  A. opened; looking at   B. open; watching over

  C. closed; looking at   D. open; to look for

[答案及简析] B。 open 形容词,表示状态;closed没有形容词表示状态就用过去分词表示。


1638] -----Oh, it’s you! I didn’t recognize you.  -----I _____ my hair cut, and I _____ dark glasses.

[译文] --啊,是你呀!我没认出你来。  --我刚理过发又带着一副墨镜。

  A. had; was wearing   B. have had; am wearing

  C. had; wore   D. have had; wear

[答案及简析] B。 情景中的时态题,对方没有认出来的原因是刚理过发,还带着墨镜,注意此题共有四句话,就用了四种时态。


1637] The naught boy _____to me that the hen which ____ there just now had _____ two eggs the day before.

[译文] 这个顽皮男孩对我撒谎说,躺在那儿的母鸡前些天下了两个蛋。

  A. lied; lay; laid   B. laid; lay; lain

  C. lied; laid; lain   D. laid; laid; laid

[答案及简析] A。 lie和lay的用法区别。


1636] When you come to the fence, you can see a notice _____ there saying "_____ the grass".

[译文] 当你来到栅栏处,你就会看见一个告示,上面写着:"勿踏草地"。

  A. putting up; keep off   B. put up; keep off

  C. putting up; keep away   D. put on; keep out

[答案及简析] B。 put up搭建起;keep off the grass常用的标语"勿踏草地"。


1635] ----- Tom is not coming tonight.   ----- But he _____!

[译文] --汤姆今晚不会来了。  --但是他曾答应过的呀!

  A. promises   B. promised

  C. will promise   D. had promised

[答案及简析] B。 许诺的动作发生在来之前,故用过去时态。


1634] Not until the early years of the 19th century _____ what heat is.

[译文] 直到十九世纪初,人类才知道什么是热。

  A. man did know   B. man know

  C. didn’t know   D. did man know

[答案及简析] D。 not until 在句首,主句要部分倒装;man单数时,不加冠词,指人类。

