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1653] -----why didn’t you call her last night? -----I _____ her, but the line was busy then.

[译文] --你昨晚为什么没给她打电话呀?  --我打了的呀,但老是占线。

  A. had really called   B. didn’t call

  C. did call   D. was calling

[答案及简析] C。 对谓语动词强调用助动词do。


1652] Never _____ time come again.

[译文] 逝去的时间决不会再来。

  A. has lost   B. will lose

  C. will lost   D. lose

[答案及简析] C。 否定词在句首,要部分倒装,lost time是丢失的时间。


1651] The day we have long looked forward to _____ at last.

[译文] 我们盼望的这一天终于来到了。

  A. come   B. coming

  C. came   D. has come

[答案及简析] D。 从定语从句的时态判断,该句应该是现在时态。


1650] Are you disappointed not _____to act in the play?

[译文] 你为没被选去参加演出而遗憾吗?

  A. being chosen   B. to be chosen

  C. choosing   D. to choose

[答案及简析] B。 be disappointed to do sth. 为…感到遗憾。


1649] The Chinse people always _____ their _____.

[译文] 中国人民一向遵守诺言。

  A. keeps; word   B. keep; word

  C. keeps; words   D. keep; eords

[答案及简析] B。 keep one’s word守信,遵守诺言。


1648] _____ you are happy, it doesn’t matter what you do.

[译文] 只要你快乐,你做什么都没关系。

  A. As good as   B. As soon as

  C. As long as   D. As well as

[答案及简析] C。 as long as 只要;as good as和…一样好.


1647] When he _____ with his sister, he suddenly ____ into tears.

[译文] 当他和他的妹妹争吵时,他突然大哭起来。

  A. was arguing; burst   B. argure; burst

  C. had argued; was bursting   D. was arguing; was burst

[答案及简析] A。 burst into tears 放声大哭。


1646] The boss went into the house, _____ the five boys _____ in the rain.

[译文] 老板走进房屋,留下五个小孩站在雨里。

  A. left; stand   B. leaving; standing

  C. left; stand   D. leaving; stand

[答案及简析] B。 现在分词短语表状态。


1645] The result of the final football match was 2 to 2, _____ the satisfaction both the teams.

[译文] 足球决赛的结果是2比2,两个队都满意。

  A. with   B. for

  C. at   D. to

[答案及简析] D。 to the satisfaction of 使….满意。


1644] When I was puzzled, I noticed some words on the board, which _____ "Turn left".

[译文] 当我不知所措的时候,我注意到木板上写着几个字:向左转。

  A. talked   B. read

  C. spoke   D. say

[答案及简析] B。 read 在这样的句子中应译成:上面写着。

