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3.In Stankovic Cup final China _______ the game with a win but Liu Wei missed two of free throws before Turkey's Sonkol Umit tied the scoring 69-69 to force the game into overtime.

A. could finish     B. would finish    C. would have finished   D. could have finished


2. The launch of the iPhone is good news for China Unicom but it's too early to say _____ it would help increase the number of its users.

A. how      B. whether       C. what      D. why


第一节   单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. More Chinese graduates prefer to work for ____ state-owned company rather than work for ____ foreign-owned enterprise, according to a new survey.

A. a, a      B. a, the      C. the, a       D. the, the


1700] Can you make sure _____ the gold ring?

[译文] 你能确信阿丽丝把金戒指放在何处?

  A. where Alice had put   B. where had Alice put

  C. where Alice has put   D. where has Alice put

[答案及简析] C 宾语从句应该用陈述语序。


1699] _____ I shouted at the top of my voice _____ turn his head.

[译文] 直到我大声地对他吼叫,他才转过头来。

  A. Not until; did he   B. Not until; he did

  C. Until; he did not   D. Until; did he not

[答案及简析] A。 not until 在句首,主句要部分倒装。


1698] I haven’t seen her _____ the time _____ she had the accident.

[译文] 自从她除了事故后,我就一直没见到她。

  A. for; that   B. since; when

  C. since; as   D. for; when

[答案及简析] B。 when 引起的定语从句,修是先行词time。


1697] If you see Tom today, say hello _____ her _____ me.

[译文] 如果你今天见到汤姆,请代我向他问好。

  A. at; from   B. to; for

  C. from; to   D. to; from

[答案及简析] D。 say hello to sb. from sb.代某人向某人问好。


1696] The doctor spent _____ operating _____ the wounded soldier.

[译文] 医生花了一整个晚上给受伤的士兵做手术。

  A. long all night; with   B. all night long ; on

  C. all night long; to   D. long all night; at

[答案及简析] B。 给某人做手术是operate on 。


1695] I don’t know if my brother _____ tonight.

[译文] 我不知道哥哥是否今晚回来。

  A. will return   B. is returning

  C. has returned   D. returns

[答案及简析] A。 tonight预示是将来时态。


1694] _____ does Mary prefer _____ pears?

[译文] 玛利喜欢梨吗?

  A. what; to   B. Which; to

  C. What; rather   D. How; to

[答案及简析] D。 prefer to喜欢,有了宾语,只能选how表示程度。

