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15. Powerful earthquake hit Tokyo on August,11,2009,____ two nuclear reactors(核反应堆) to be shut down for safety checks.

A. forcing     B. forced     C. to force     D. force 


14.--Yesterday, I didn’t see Ben at the party. 

-- You _____ him. We just came back from Beijing this morning.

A .mustn’t have seen              B. can’t have seen

C. couldn’t see                      D. needn’t have seen


13.     I got over from the failure of my entrance examination. And I made up my mind to devote myself to my study again.

A. Considerably    B. Constantly    C. Eventually   D. Frequently


12. -- - Alison, I'm sorry. I can't come to the wedding with you tomorrow morning. 

-- ________? 

-- My grandma was severely ill, so I have to stay in the hospital to look after her. 

A. How is it   B. How come       C. So what     D. What's the problem 


11. I think it’s wise to put our children into a situation _____they can only depend on themselves.

A. why     B. where    C. which      D. when


10. The popular film, which is adapted from a popular novel, ________in a traditional Chinese love story.

A. set               B. had been set      C. is set     D.  had been setting 


9. These new instruments will surely cost quite a lot, ____they will help us before long .  

 A. so       B. and       C. but      D. or 


8. Every day after I went home, if not ____ from work, I will go out for a walk with my wife.

A. tiring     B. to be tire   C. tired   D. being tired

