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15. To reduce air pollution, a large number of people in London go to work by bike or on foot, ____ do many of my colleagues in New York.

A. as       B. which      C. while       D. where


14. This year North American Maria Gunnoe won the Goldman Environmental Prize, an award _____ to those who devote their lives to protecting the environment.

A. giving      B. to give     C. given       D. having given    


13. - ______ matters to do the job well - what you are or where you come from?

- Neither. It depends on your ability and rich experience.

A. What it is that   B. Which it is that   C. What is it that   D. Which is it that


12. Unable to move because of the injury in his leg, Jack was forced to wait _____ he was, wrapped in Michael's jacket.

A. where      B. who      C. what        D. when


11. - Could I use your notebook computer?

- Sorry. It suddenly ____ yesterday morning and is being repaired in the shop.

A. broke up    B. broke off      C. broke down    D. broke out


10. - What do you feel about the concert held by Songzuying in Bird’s Nest?

- Sorry, I have no idea. I _____ it because I happened to be on the plane that night.

A. missed     B. had missed     C. was missing   D. would miss


9. Scientists say human activity contributes to climate change, but they do not agree on the rate ____ climate change may be developing.

A. with which    B. with that     C. at which      D. at that


8. More than 500 schools have also canceled classes because of the heavy snowstorm, _____ to the delight of the students.

A. much     B. rather       C. ever        D. even


7. Almost all Taobao’s $200 million in income comes from advertising, which the company says ____ in fact all its operational costs.

A. fills     B. contains     C. does      D. covers


6. -You _____ back to your mother like that. It was awfully impolite.

-You are right. I must have hurt her deeply.

A. shouldn’t talk   B. shouldn’t have talked   C. couldn’t talk  D. couldn’t have talked

