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1. He looks handsome and gentle, but a   he is a thief.







As neither she nor her husband smoke, Mrs Henry was        1.      

surprising to see cigarette ash on her doorstep. When she opened  2.      

the living?room door she saw a strange man fast asleep in    3.      

an armchair. Took care not to disturb him, she left the      4.     

house immediately. She called at a taxi and went          5.         

straight the police station, where she explained what        6.        

had happened and added that the man could have           7.         

got into the house through an opened window. She          8.        

returned home together with two police. But it was too late.    9.        

The man was disappeared. Luckily, nothing valuable had ever been taken.10.     


10. This is the first time that I      to Beijing.

A. was              B. had been

C. am               D. have been


9. Please       the numbers and I’m sure they will      more than 1000.

A. add up; add          B. add up; add up

C. add up; add up to       D. add; add up


8. The speech which he made      the football match bored a lot of fans to death.

A. being concerned        B. concerning

C. concerned           D. to concern


7. Iraq has      too many wars since 1990s,making his people      a lot.

A. got through; pay        B. looked through; face 

C. gone through; suffer      D. passed through; destroy


6. It rained heavily, and it is very kind of him to       his umbrella with me.

A. use   B. share   C. take   D. bring


5. There are two high schools for you to choose. Which one would you like to     ?

A. join in            B. join

C. take part in          D. attend

